
Next week, we will work on problems related to greedy algorithms, which is a problem solving approach where we attempt to find a global optimum by always making the locally optimal choice, and bit manipulation. These techniques will come in handy for solving Challenge 09 and Challenge 10.


The readings for this week are:

  1. Competitive Programmer's Handbook

    • Chapter 6 Greedy Algorithm

    • Chapter 10 Bit manipulation


Once you have done the readings, answer the following Reading 05 Quiz questions:


To submit you work, follow the same process outlined in Reading 00:

$ git checkout master                 # Make sure we are in master branch
$ git pull --rebase                   # Make sure we are up-to-date with GitLab

$ git checkout -b reading05           # Create reading05 branch and check it out

$ cd reading05                        # Go into reading05 folder
$ $EDITOR answers.json                # Edit your answers.json file

$ ../.scripts/submit.py               # Check reading05 quiz
Submitting reading05 assignment ...
Submitting reading05 quiz ...
      Q1 0.25
      Q2 0.25
      Q3 0.25
      Q4 0.25
      Q5 0.20
      Q6 0.50
      Q7 0.25
   Score 2.00

$ git add answers.json                # Add answers.json to staging area
$ git commit -m "Reading 05: Done"    # Commit work

$ git push -u origin reading05        # Push branch to GitLab

Remember to create a merge request and assign the appropriate TA from the Reading 05 TA List.