Simple hello, world OpenGL program. Demonstrates GL_POLYGON, display callback, and keyboard callback.
Draw simple house and display some text. Demonstrates GL_TRIANGLES, GL_QUADS, GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, glutBitmapCharacter for writing text.
Draw vertices using point and line primitives. Demonstrates GL_POINTS, GL_LINES, GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINE_LOOP.
Allow user to pick pawn on chess board and move it. Demonstrates display lists, saving and restoring attributes and matrices, picking, reshape callback, mouse callback, passive motion callback, timer callback, double buffering.
Start of a asteroid-type game where users aim a spaceship and fire missiles. Demonstrates angle computation, translation, rotation, scaling, edge detection, basic animation, menus.
Orbit camera around a 3D wireframe teapot using mouse and keyboard. Demonstrates gluPerspective, gluLookAt, orbital camera control, special key callback, mouse wheel interaction.
Orbit camera around a 3D solid teapot using mouse with lighting. Demonstrates OpenGL lighting, and another method of camera control.
Simple RGB color wheel. Demonstrates glReadPixels, colors, and aspect ratio calculation.
Fly around a cityscape using a free camera.
Double cameras illustrating the arcball camera concept.
Double cameras illustrating the free camera concept.
Orbit demonstration. Shows model instancing with glTranslatef, glScalef, glRotatef, rudimentary lighting, and animation.
Wagon vehicle demo. Demonstrates model instancing, multiple camera modes, wireframe mode, a mini-map, and simple animation.
3D geometric objects. Demonstrates glutSolidSphere, glutSolidCube, glutSolidCone, glutSolidTorus, gluCylinder, gluDisk, gluPartialDisk, some wire variants, and lighting.
Vehicle demo. Demonstrates model instancing, object hierarchy, simple animation.
2D bezier curve demonstration. Shows bezier curves, picking.
Current Transformation Matrix visualizer. Demonstrates transformations, passive mouse motion.
Spaceship demo with video capturing.
Software construction demo. Class inheritance.
Simple PPM viewer.
Simple textured quad viewer.
Simple brick texture demonstration.
Simple scene graph of robot arm.
A few shader demos with scene graph.
A simple OpenGL chat program (TCP).
Angle of incidence shader.
Film grain shader effect.
Grassy field demonstration.
Normal Mapping Shader.
Lighting Algorithms with Shaders.