
Over the last few weeks, we have discussed issues related to the working and diversity. As evident in our class discussions, these topics are complex but important to consider.

For this second project, you are to work in groups of 2-4 on one of the following options:

  1. Create a guide to the job interview process.

  2. Watch and review Hidden Figures.

  3. Write a letter to the editor regarding immigration.

  4. Profile an inspirational STEM woman or minority.

Option 1: Job Interview Process

For the first option, you are to create a guide to the job interview process for Notre Dame Computer Science and Engineering students.

Some things to discuss or consider:

Your final artifact should be a document in PDF, a podcast (SoundCloud or Google Drive), or a YouTube or Vimeo video that discusses the topics above.

Once one group member has posted the guide to his or her blog, then each group member should create a reflection post that references the guide, and answers the following questions:

  1. From your experience, what are the most important parts of the guide your group constructed? What do you know now that you wished you new earlier? What is the best advice or guidance you've received?

  2. College traditionally has been viewed as a place of learning, not necessarily job training and yet students are spending more and more time preparing for the job interview process. Should colleges adjust their curriculum to face this reality?

    • If so, how would you change the ND CSE program to better prepare students for the workforce?

    • If not, discuss why you don't think changes are needed and how the ND CSE program already supports students.

Option 2: Hidden Figures

For the second option, you are to watch the movie Hidden Figures. After watching the film, provide a group review of the movie in a podcast or video that answers the following questions:

  1. Describe what role gender and ethnicity played in the movie. What were the challenges or obstacles faced by the Hidden Figures?

  2. Discuss how privilege and societal expectations contributed to these challenges.

  3. Discuss the strategies and approaches the Hidden Figures tried to overcome these challenges and whether or not they were successful.

  4. What was the final message or theme of the movie? What insight into the challenges of diversity in STEM did the movie provide?

  5. Finally, what was your overall impression of the movie? Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Your final artifact should be a podcast (SoundCloud or Google Drive) or a YouTube or Vimeo video that discusses the topics above.

Once one group member has posted this artifact to his or her blog, then each group member should create a reflection post that references the artifact, and answers the following questions:

  1. Why is it challenging for women and minorities to break into STEM fields? What sort of obstacles do they face? Is this a problem that needs to be addressed or an inevitable reality we should accept?

  2. How important are the stories we tell and the way we portray certain groups of people? Growing up, what stories or stereotypes influenced the way you viewed STEM? Were these positive or negative and what impact did they have on you?

Option 3: Immigration

Currently, issues regarding immigration and H-1B visas are all over the news. For instance, here are some articles that have been released since we discussed this issue in class:

For this option, you are to do one of the following:

After you post your artifact to a group member's blog (and submit it to the appropriate party), each person should write a personal reflection that addresses the following questions:

  1. If the technology industry is a meritocracy, then should it matter where employees come from? Should companies be free to hire the best regardless of national origin?

  2. Do companies have a moral or ethical obligation to their home country (ie. "America first")? Should nations prioritize the needs of corporations over individual citizens?

Option 4: Profile Underrepresented STEM Role Model

For the fourth option, you are to profile an inspirational STEM woman or racial/ethnic minority. You may pick a famous person such as Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, or James Mickens, or you may pick someone local such as a professor or graduate student. In your profile, you should consider the following:

  1. What is the person's background? What contributions has this person made to STEM?

  2. Did the person face any obstacles due to their minority status? If so, how did they overcome them?

  3. What is inspiring about this person? What sort of message does this person present? Does this person have any memorable quotes?

Your final artifact should be a video or poster in PDF that highlights the person's story, including their history, their contributions, their challenges, and how they are inspiring. You may do a podcast if you are interview a local person (that is you ask the person questions).

Once one group member has posted this artifact to his or her blog, then each group member should create a reflection post that references the artifact, and answers the following questions:

  1. Why is it challenging for women and minorities to break into STEM fields? What sort of obstacles do they face? Is this a problem that needs to be addressed or an inevitable reality we should accept?

  2. Are role models important? Growing up, did you have any role models? Who has inspired you or motivated you to pursue your STEM field? Discuss whether or not the person you profiled inspires you and if the person's story resonates with you.


Your project is due at Noon on September 30, 2017. Individual reflections should be posted to each student's blog, while the group artifact should be put on a student's blog or a storage site such as Google Drive.

To submit your project, one group member should fill out the following form


Your projects will be graded on how well your group addresses the chosen prompt, the quality of the presentation, and the thought and reflection in your individual responses.