
The last project focuses on Computer Science education and your time at Notre Dame. Once again, each option requires a podcast or video. Furthermore, for this project, no personal reflection is required.

Option 1: Computer Science Curriculum

The first option is to create a podcast or video that discuses how you would change the Computer Science or Computer Engineering program at Notre Dame:

  1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the CSE program?

  2. What courses would you add, remove, modify?

  3. What skills or technologies need more coverage?

  4. What are some projects or assignments that students should experience?

  5. What can faculty and staff do to improve the program?

Option 2: Notre Dame Memories

The last option is to create a podcast or video that discusses your experience at Notre Dame:

  1. Why did you choose Notre Dame?

  2. What were your highs? What were your lows?

  3. What are your most cherished memories?

  4. What did you learn and how did you grow?

  5. What makes Notre Dame, for you, Notre Dame?

  6. Was it worth it? And our hearts forever, Love thee, Notre Dame?


Your project is due at 11:59 PM Wednesday, Dec 13, 2017. The group artifact should be put on a student's blog or a storage site such as Google Drive. (There is no individual reflection for this project).

To submit your project, one group member should fill out the following form