
The readings for this week focus on issues related to the workplace: competition from immigrants and the idea of a work-life balance.


These readings provide some background on the H-1B visa and lists what companies are utilizing this immigration program.

These readings discuss some of the controversy regarding the use of H-1B visas.

These readings argue the pros and cons of immigration as it relates to the technology industry, including an examination of if there is a tech-talent shortage.

These readings further discuss the need for reforming the H-1B visa program.

These readings discuss the Trump administration's plans for the H-1B visa program:

These readings discuss some reactions to the Trump administration's plans for the H-1B visa program:

Finally, these articles discuss the recent Trump administration announcement regarding the end of DACA:

Work-Life Balance

These articles discuss the difficulty of balancing work and family life.

These articles discuss the pressures to make work a priority in the tech industry and in America in general:

These articles discuss the struggling with this balance in the tech industry:

These articles focus on this issue at Amazon:

These articles discuss burnout:

These articles discuss the importance (or lack of importance) of balance:


Maybe relevant. Maybe not.


Please write a response to one of the following questions:

  1. From the readings, what is the controversy surrounding the H-1B Visa program? What are the arguments for and against the expansion of the program? After examining the topic, where do you stand on the issues surrounding the program?

    • If you are in favor of expanding the use of H-1B Visa guest workers, explain why it is beneficial for the United States. How would you respond to concerns about lowering of wages or loss of jobs for US citizens? Shouldn't the country prioritize Americans first?

    • If you are against the use of H-1B Visa guest workers, explain why it is is not necessary or potentially harmful to the United States. How would you respond to the idea that America is a nation of immigrants and that these guest workers are an effective means of tackling the problem of a tech talent shortage? What do you say to some of your classmates who will be applying to these programs?

    • In either case, discuss whether or not you are concerned with competition due to foreign workers or possibly outsourcing. Should the US curtail programs like the H-1B Visa or rescind DACA in order to prioritize Americans? Or should it live up to its image as the land of opportunity?

      If you are non-US citizen, discuss how these issues impact you and your future plans as it relates to residency and employment in America.

  2. From the readings and from your experience, can men and women have it all? That is, can parents have successful and fulfilling careers while also raising a family and meeting other non-work related goals?

    • What does it mean to have it all to you? What examples from real life do you draw from in order to define what having a balance is?

    • Have you ever dealt with burnout or guilt over missing out on some portion of your life? If so, describe how you dealt with this situation and what helped you overcome these difficulties.

    • What can companies do to support their workers to find this balance and are they ethically obliged to do so? Was the opportunity for balance something that factored into your choice of career or job opportunity? Why or why not?

    • Finally, is this balance important to you and if so, how do you hope to maintain it? What life-style changes or activities have you put in place to deal with finding a balance in your life and preventing burnout?


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.