
The readings for this week are about Fake News:

And trolling and anonymity:

Optional: Fake News

These articles discuss recent news regarding "Fake News":

These articles consider the impact of "Fake News" on the 2016 Presidential Election:

These articles discuss Russia's role in spreading "Fake News":

These articles discuss the impact of the information wars occurring on the Internet:

These articles consider how technology companies curate their content:

These articles consider how "Fake News" impacts these companies bottom lines:

These articles discuss the idea of a echo chamber or filter bubble:

Optional: Trolling / Anonymity

These articles examine the problem of trolling:

These articles explore Gamergate:

These articles consider the Reddit's approach to regulating trolling:

These articles consider the Twitter's approach to regulating trolling:

These articles consider cyberbullying:

These articles consider the First Lady's efforts in combating cyberbullying:

These articles consider the role of anonymity in trolling:


Please write a response to one of the following questions:

  1. From the readings, what exactly is meant by the term "Fake News"? Do you find the deluge of this content as harmless, annoying, or dangerous? Should technology companies monitor and suppress "Fake News"?

    • Take a look at your Facebook or social media feeds and that of your friends and family. Does it contain "Fake News"? If so, how much? What is your response when you see such items?

    • What is the responsibility of social media platform providers such as Facebook and Twitter in regards to regulating "Fake News"? Are you comfortable with a private entity censoring information?

    • What is the responsibility of news or content aggregators such as Facebook and Google in regards to regulating "Fake News"? Are you comfortable with a private entity classifying information as "fake"?

    • What role do you believe "Fake News" played in the 2016 presidential election? Is the current focus on "Fake News" warranted or not?

    • How much do you rely on social media such as Facebook or Twitter for your daily news? Are you living in an echo chamber or even concerned about a filter bubble? If so, what are some ways to break out of the bubble?

    Finally, does the rise of social media and "Fake News" mean we live in a "post-fact" world? Does truth stand a chance in a world dominated by "Fake News"?

  2. From the readings and from your experience, what exactly is trolling? How does this behavior manifest itself and what are its causes and effects? Likewise, what is cyberbullying and how is it different from regular bullying?

    • What ethical or moral obligations do technology companies have in regards to preventing or suppressing online harassment (such as trolling or stalking)?

    • What do you make of Gamergate? Is this evidence of the dangers of anonymity on the Internet or is this behavior something we simply need to tolerate in order to maintain freedom of expression?

    • Is cyberbullying a major problem on the Internet? Do people, especially children, need special protection from harassment or should they just "deal with it"?

    • Is trolling a major problem on the Internet? What is your approach to handling trolls? Are you a troll?!?!?

    • Are "real name" policies useful or harmful in combating online abuse? Do you use services that require you to use your real name? Why or why not?

    Finally, is anonymity on the Internet a blessing or a curse? Is the Internet itself a platform for useful and fruitful discussion or is it a wasteland of memes and trolls? What good can come out of an online dialogue?