
As mentioned in Reading 00, you will be given the opportunity to reflect on the readings and discussions for each week by writing a blog post on a platform of your choice. In this course, the reading responses are due by noon on Saturday at the end of the week, after we have discussed the issues and explored the topics in class.

For this week, you are to consider the following questions as we explore the idea of responsibility:

  1. What ethical, moral, or religious frameworks (if any) do you utilize to determine if an action is right or wrong?

  2. How can these frameworks be applied to your future career in engineering or computing or technology?

  3. What talents do you have and how have you developed (or not developed) them here at Notre Dame?

  4. What ethical or moral challenges do you foresee with computing and technology?

Note, you should not simply list the questions and answer each one directly. Instead, the questions are there to help you brainstorm about the question:

What does it mean to be an ethically responsible person and is that something you strive for?

Your writing reflection should ultimately answer this question.


Each reflection should be between 500 - 1000 words. Each post will be graded in terms of:

  1. Does the post adequately address the prompt?

  2. Does the post reference the readings and class discussions to support the writing?

  3. Does the post exhibit thoughtfulness and creative expression?

  4. Does the post utilize proper grammar and style?

  5. Is the post an appropriate length?

To create a blog, you may use whatever platform or service you wish. You will be using this blog to post your reflections throughout the semester, so choose something you will be comfortable writing with. Here are some possible services you can use:

  1. Notre Dame Sites

  2. Wordpress

  3. Blogger

  4. Medium

  5. Weebly

Of course, you are free to write your own blog software or host it anywhere you wish (as long as your blog generates a RSS or ATOM feed with entries for each blog post).

Post Titles

To make it easier to grade, please prefix each blog post title with the corresponding assignment. For instance, for this writing assignment, your blog post can be entitled "Writing 00" or something creative like "Writing 00: What would you fight for?".


Once you have setup your blog, please fill out the following form to let us know where to find it:

Notre Dame Login

To view and submit the form below, you need to be logged into your Notre Dame Google account. The easiest way to do this is to login to and then visit this page in the same browser session.