
For this week, you are to consider the following questions as we explore issues related to net neutrality and online censorship:

  1. Is "the Internet is a public service and fair access should be a basic right"?

  2. What (if any) type of content should be limited or restricted or regulated?

  3. Who (if anyone) should control or regulate what content is allowed on the Internet?

  4. Is it ethical for companies to:

    • Remove or suppress dissenting opinions for governments?

    • Remove or suppress information broadcasted by terrorist organizations?

    • Remove or suppress discriminatory, provocative, hateful content generated by its users?

    • Remove or suppress information that does not promote or share their interests or political belief

  5. Are technology companies "publishers" with editorial control or are they merely communication "platforms" with no control of their content?

  6. Are you concerned about online censorship?

Note, you should not simply list the questions and answer each one directly. Instead, the questions are there to help you brainstorm about the question:

What are the limits of freedom of speech on the Internet? Is online censorship a desirable good, a necessary evil, or a bad idea be avoided?

Your writing reflection should ultimately answer this question.