
For this week, you are to consider the following questions as we explore issues related to artificial intelligence and automation:

  1. Are AlphaGo, Deep Blue, Watson, and AlphaZero proof of the viability of artificial intelligence or are they just interesting tricks or gimmicks?

  2. Is the Turing Test a valid measure of intelligence or is the Chinese Room a good counter argument?

  3. Could a computing system ever be considered a mind? Have morality? Are humans just biological computers?

  4. Are the benefits of automation worth the possible costs?

  5. What responsbility does society have for managing the impact of artificial intelligence and automation?

Note, you should not simply list the questions and answer each one directly. Instead, the questions are there to help you brainstorm about the question:

Is artificial intelligence something that should be embraced or feared? Do you believe in the hype?

Your writing reflection should ultimately answer this question.