
Over the last few weeks, we have discussed issues related to whistleblowing, security, and privacy. For this third project, you are to work in groups of 2-4 to produce artifacts that inform the public about one of the following topics:

  1. Volkswagon evading emission laws.

  2. Public policy regarding encryption.

  3. Protecting privacy in the Cloud.

Option 1: Engineering Disasters + Whistleblowing

In September, it was revealed that Volkswagon had been purposefully evading US emissions laws by installing a "defeat device" that tricked regulators into believing that certain Volkswagon vehicles met Clean Air Act standards:

For this option, you are to create a short documentary (no more than five minutes) in either video or podcast format that explains what Volkswagon did, how the evasion was discovered, and what ramifications this situation means for Volkswagon. Additionally, the group should investigate and discuss who knew about the evasion and who had the power or responsibility to stop the circumvention.

After you post your documentary to a group member's blog, each person should write a personal reflection that addresses the following questions:

Option 2: Security + Encryption

Currently, issues regarding security and encryption are all over the news. For instance, here is John Oliver discussing the recent FBI vs Apple case we explored in class:

Despite the growing importance of encryption, however, most of the public is either oblivious or uninformed about the technology and related issues. For this option, you are to do one of the following:

After you post your artifact to a group member's blog, each person should write a personal reflection that addresses the following questions:

Option 3: Privacy + Cloud Computing

For the final option, your group is to replace a common cloud computing service with a self-hosted or self-managed replacement and then create a written tutorial on how to setup this system and a video demonstration of it in action. Here is a list of possible replacment services (feel free to come up with your own):

After you post your artifact to a group member's blog, each person should write a personal reflection that addresses the following questions:


Your project is due at 11:59 PM Thursday, March 24, 2016.

To submit your project, one group member should post the artifact to their blog. Everyone in the group should then reference it their reflection of the project.