
The readings for this week are:


  1. Google finally discloses its diversity record, and it's not good

  2. Diversity Imbalance

  3. Why Prejudice Alone Doesn't Explain the Gender Gap in Science

  4. Boys' Math Scores Hit Highs and Lows

  5. Oracle sued by Labor Department for paying white men more


  1. Girls Who Code: The Real Reason Women Only Earn 18% of CS Degrees

  2. Masculine culture responsible for keeping women out of computer science, engineering

  3. Nerdy Strutting: How to Put Women Off the Tech Industry


  1. Why Doesn't Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?

  2. Racial Fault Lines in Silicon Valley

Codes of Conduct

  1. The Code of Conduct

  2. Closing a door

  3. An anonymous response to dangerous FOSS Codes of Conduct

  4. An update regarding keynote changes.


Please write a response to one of the following questions:

  1. From the readings and in your opinion, is the lack of diversity a problem in the technology industry or is the gender gap overblown? Is it something that needs to be addressed or is it just a (possibly unfortunate) reality?

    • If you believe it is a problem, then what are some obstacles faced by women and minorities? Why do these challenges exist and how could the technology industry (or society in general) work to remove these barriers and encourage more participation from women and minorities?

    • If you don't believe it is a problem, then why do you think there is this recent focus on diversity? Is it fair that there are programs targeted to women and certain minorities, but not other groups? How would you address claims of privilege?

  2. From the readings and in your opinion, are Codes of Conduct necessary for technology companies, organizations, and communities? Do they serve a valid purpose or are they just another form of political correctness?

    • What do you make of some of the Codes of Conduct above? What jumps out at you as reasonable and what seems unreasonable?

    • What do you make of the recent Douglas Crockford situation? Is his removal from the Nodevember conference justified? Would you attend or support an event with a speaker that may or may not make you feel uncomfortable or have opposing views?


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.