
The readings for this week are:

Cloud Computing

  1. A view of Cloud Computing

  2. In The Cloud We Trust

  3. Naked celebrity hack: security experts focus on iCloud backup theory

  4. Amazon cloud sputters for hours, and a boatload of websites go offline

Online Advertising

  1. The Convenience-Surveillance Tradeoff

  2. How Companies Learn Your Secrets

  3. Facebook users unwittingly revealing intimate secrets, study finds

  4. Welcome to hell: Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook and the slow death of the web

Internet of Things

  1. Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway-With Me in It

  2. How a Bunch of Hacked DVR Machines Took Down Twitter and Reddit

  3. "Internet of Things" security is hilariously broken and getting worse

  4. This is Why People Fear the 'Internet of Things'

  5. The New Age of Surveillance

Food for Thought


Please write a response to one of the following questions:

  1. From the readings and in your experience, what exactly is Cloud Computing and what are some ethical issues or concerns regarding it? Considering the Internet meme that "There is no cloud. It's just someone else's computer":

    • As developer, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Cloud? Describe any experiences you've had in using the Cloud as a development platform, what led you to use it, and if you plan on using it in the future.

    • As a consumer, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Cloud? Describe what sort of Cloud services you use on a regular basis.

    • Discuss the trade-offs are you making in utilizing these platforms as both a developer and a consumer. At the end of the day, do you trust the Cloud?

  2. From the readings and in your experience, what are the ethical issues or concerns surrounding online advertising? Considering the Internet meme that If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold:

    • Is it ethical for companies to gather your information and data mine it in order to sell you products and services? What responsibilities do companies have to their end users in regards to this information?

      Does privacy become an unrealistic expectation in light of this pervasive information gathering?

    • Do you find online advertising too invasive or is it tolerable? Do you use things like NoScript or Adblock? Why or why not? Is it ethical to use these tools?

  3. After reading some of the articles above, address the following questions:

    • What is the motivation for developing and building many Internet connected devices? What are the arguments for and against the Internet of Things (IoT)? Would they make our lives easier?

    • How should programmers address the security and privacy concerns regarding IoT? Who is liable for when breaches or hacks happen?

    • What do you believe will be the social, economic, and political impact of the Internet of Things? What role should the government play in regulating IoT devices?

    • Would you fear a pervasively connected world with billions of internet capable devices? Explain why or why not.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.