
The readings for this week are:

Trolling / Anonymity

  1. 545: If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say, SAY IT IN ALL CAPS

  2. "That life is over": Zoe Quinn looks beyond GamerGate

  3. “Repugnant” online discussions are not illegal thoughtcrime, court rules

  4. A New Harassment Policy for Twitter

  5. How to Stop the Bullies

  6. The Real Name Fallacy


  1. What is artificial intelligence?

  2. How Google's AlphaGo Beat a Go World Champion

  3. Computing Machinery and Intelligence

  4. 2015 : What do you think about machines that think?

  5. Beneficial Artificial Intelligence (context)


Please write a response to one of the following questions:

  1. From the readings and from your experience, what exactly is trolling? How does this behavior manifest itself and what are its causes and effects?

    • What ethical or moral obligations do technology companies have in regards to preventing or suppressing online harassment (such as trolling or stalking)?

    • What do you make of Gamergate? Is this evidence of the dangers of anonymity on the Internet or is this behavior something we simply need to tolerate in order to maintain freedom of expression?

    • Is anonymity on the Internet a blessing or a curse? Are "real name" policies useful or harmful in combating online abuse?

    • Is trolling a major problem on the Internet? What is your approach to handling trolls? Are you a troll?!?!?

  2. From the readings, what is artificial intelligence and how is it similar or different from what you consider to be human intelligence?

    • Are AlphaGo, Deep Blue, and Watson proof of the viability of artificial intelligence or are they just interesting tricks or gimmicks?

    • Is the Turing Test a valid measure of intelligence or is the Chinese Room a good counter argument?

    • Are the growing concerns over the power of artificial intelligence and its role in our lives warranted? Are you worried about the potential dangers imposed by artificial intelligence? Explain why or why not.

    • Finally, could a computing system ever be considered a mind? Are humans just biological computers? What are the ethical implications are either idea?


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the course, please provide your feedback at the end of your response.