As discussed in our first meeting, each project must meet five Project Requirements. Most of these Requirements involve the use of certain technical infrastructure such as web hosting, public code repositories, communications channels, and automated services as part of the development process.

For the first Milestone, your group must investigate the various options for these services and then settle on the preliminary technical infrastructure for the project:

  1. How will you maintain a web presence?

  2. Where will you host your code repository?

  3. What communal development tools or services will your project employ?

    a. What is your project / issue board?

    b. Will you have a wiki?

    c. What is your bug / issue tracker?

    d. How will you provide real-time communication (ie. chat)?

  4. What continuous integration platform will your project use?

    a. How will you test your project?

    b. How will you deploy your project?

  5. Which open source license will you use for your project?


For this Milestone, your group must present the chosen infrastructure for the project to the instructor.

  1. The group must be prepared to explain their choice of tooling, services, and license.

  2. The group must be prepared to demonstrate the functionality of each infrastructure component (ie. how they work).

No Website / Wiki Post

Unlike in future Milestones, no post to the website / wiki is necessary for this Milestone. Instead, the group will be demonstrating the infrastructure and how it meets the Project Requirements.