For the sixth Progress report, you are to prepare for your public announcement as specified in Milestone 4.

During this week, you begin planning your short video that provides an overview of your project, its goals, its features, and your contributions. Moreover, you consider updating your website to highlight this information.

Likewise, you should produce packaging and documentation for end users who wish to download and utilize your software (not necessarily build it and contribute code). Again, this may require investigating operating system or language specific package management systems.

By the end of this sprint, you should be ready to make your public announcement.


For this Progress Report, your group must upload their presentation slides to the group's project Google Drive folder.

Your group should provide evidence of your work by using their issues or project management tools, working on the project repository, and communicating via their group chat.

For this presentation, focus on discussing on the content and structure of your announcement (what do you want to highlight and what story do you wish to tell to users). Likewise, provide an overview of how you expect end users to utilize your software artifact. Finally, discuss where you plan on making your public announcement. If there is some work left to be done on the prototype, briefly highlight the remaining obstacles and your plans for them as well.