For the preliminary Progress Report, you are to summarize your project proposal in the form of presentation slides that address the following questions:

  1. What is the big picture idea behind your project?

    a. What problem is it trying solve?

    b. What do you hope to learn while working on this project?

    c. What role does open source play in your project?

  2. Who are the group members in this project?

    a. What talents and skills does each person bring to the table?

    b. How does each person plan on contributing to the project?

    c. How will the group make decisions and organize itself?

  3. What are your initial ideas for the project deliverables?

    a. What sort of software artifact or service do you plan on building?

    b. What would constitute success for your group?

    c. What barriers or obstacles does the group foresee?


For this Progress Report, your group must upload their presentation slides to the group's project Google Drive folder.