For the first Progress Report, you are to work towards Milestone 1 by determining what infrastructure and organization do you wish to utilize throughout the semester. To help you in this process, consider the following questions:

  1. Do you have a project name?

  2. Do you have a web presence?

    • Who has experience with web development?

    • What platform or tools will you be using for this?

  3. Do you have a code repository?

    • Who has control or access to your project(s)?

    • Who has adminstrative (ie. merge) permissions?

    • What is your development workflow (branches, approvals, etc)?

    • How will you test or verify that your project works?

  4. What communal development tools or services are you considering?

    • Are there any obstacles or challenges preventing you from using or adopting these tools or services?

    • What are your experiences with these tools or services?

  5. Which open source licenses are you considering?

    • Do any of the tools, frameworks, or libraries you are considering impact your decision?


For this Progress Report, your group must upload their presentation slides to the group's project Google Drive folder. While you are not expected to have finalized all the details of your infrastructure choices, you should be able to describe some of your decisions and thoughts in regards to the questions above.