
For this project, you are to work in groups of 2 - 4 students to research an engineering ethics topic and then create a video presentation that accomplishes the following:

  1. Provide a brief background about the engineering topic or issue.

  2. Identify the stakeholders and outline the various viewpoints around the topic or issue.

  3. Analyze and discuss your own position and thoughts regarding the topic or issue.

The goal of this project is for you to research a topic, explain the facts regarding the topic, describe the different stakeholders and viewpoints, and then provide your own analysis and evaluation of the ethics involved in the topic or issue.

This video presentation should be around 5 minutes in length. It will be played in class during the last week and you will have to answer some followup questions from the audience.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of possible presentation topics:


  1. Only one group can present about a topic. Once you have identified your top three topic choices, submit your proposal using the form below.

  2. If there is a topic or issue not on the list, verify with the instructor before submitting it.


Your project proposal is due at midnight, Friday, July 22. You must identify three possible topics and list them in order. Topics will be assigned in first-come-first-serve order.

To submit your proposal, one group member should fill out the following form:

Proposal Form


Your video presentation is due at midnight, Sunday, July 31. You should upload your presentation video to a cloud hosting service such as YouTube, Google Drive, Vimeo, or Soundcloud.

To submit your project, one group member should fill out the following form:

Presentation Form


Boeing 737 MAX

acannon3, eyepiz, jballow, jfrabut2

The Boring Company

dscherme, msims, nkyhl

VW Emissions Scandal

bsilveri, dgardini, dsobolak, jkepley

Theranos Fraud

kblouch, lgeisen, lschaffl

School Surveillance

ccho3, msilvest, nbartolo

Apple and CSAM

cmilbran, gmolnar1, gpepperm

YouTube Censorship

avanave2, dkrill, rwachte2, zdeal

Tik Tok

aguinan2, crudge3, mhanstad

Bitcoin and Environment

evaldez2, hjuarez2, jwysock2, mwong7

Net Neutrality

npalma2, rrizzo

USB-C Mandate

cnoss, hyates2, rschmit3, wshepher

Right to Try

anewquis, htangpuz, lherna22

Alexa Audio Deepfake

amcdon24, hdalgle2, mklefeke

Google Engineer and AI Chatbot

blewis7, garchibe, jbowen2