These are errata which appear in Powers & Sen, “Mathematical Methods in Engineering,” Cambridge University Press, 2015. In many places "non-linear" appears that should be "nonlinear". This is found on pages 248, 559, 559, 566, 566, 566. p. 98: Sec. 2.6.3: In the analysis of Eqs. (2.346-2.348), several factors of 1/2 are missing; e.g. dx_1 should be replaced by (dx_1)/2 in Eq. (2.346). p. 89, 91, 112, 113: We would be better to employ an opposite sign convention for torsion $\tau$. p. 98: Note: some sources define $\div \bf T = \nabla {\bf T}^T = \partial T_{ji} \over \partial x_i.$ As long as the analysis is internally consistent, as it is here, it is correct. p. 111: Problem 4g is a repeat of Problem 1. p. 113: Problem 22--The first equation in the problem may need to be t . d^2t/ds^2 x dt/ds = kappa^2 tau [check this] p. 113: Problem 30 should have corners at (0,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0), and (1,0,0). p. 113: Problem 30 should have "f(x,y,z) =...." p. 114: Problem 38 should read " finds that the three principal..." p. 114: Problem 38 should have $q_i = -k_{ij}\partial T/\partial x_j$.... p. 144: Problem 22: not clear a unique real solution exists for any a. p. 145: Problem 29: There are many more solutions than b = 2.2617. p. 214: Problem 29: There may be an error in the equation for P. Needs checked. Buche's solutions indicate an error. p. 216: Problem 4.52, should read “…of the two masses and the potential energy of the three springs.” p. 217: Problem 4.53 needs an additional factor of "2" in the error function, so as to be consistent with the correct Eq. (A.103) on p. 594. p. 219: " not is..." should be " not..." p. 230: Fig. 5.5’s caption should be dy/dx = -\sqrt{x} y p. 236: The second term in Eq. (5.146) be 2k(1 + x + (1/4)x^2 + ...) instead of 2k(1 + x + (1/2)x^2 + ...) p. 239: Eq. (5.179) should be y = x + x^2/2 + x^4/12+ .... p. 257: Eq. (5.319) should have y(x) = y_0(x) + .... p. 269: Just before Eq. (5.429) should be \xi^2 + \eta^2 = r^2 p. 272: Problem 15 is identical to Example 5.11. p. 276: Problem 55 repeats Problem 50. p. 277: Problem 57 repeats Problem 18. p. 296: The equation appearing just before Eq. (6.92) should receive a number. p. 302: In Example 6.19, ||x||_2 = 3.873 not 3.870. p. 311: In Fig. 6.9, need more space in needed in the term “-.23 sin 4t.” p. 316: Eq. (6.239) needs an approximate equals sign rather than an equals sign. p. 327: Eq. (6.335) has a \cdot between the matrix and the vector and should not. p. 363: Eq. (6.693) should have \alpha \phi(t) instead of c \phi(t). pp. 364-5: In Eqs. (6.702), (6.703), one could replace (t^5/4)^{2/5} by t^{1/2}. Additional simplification is possible that is easily achieved with computer algebra. p. 371: Eq. (6.754) should have ...\lambda t^3.... instead of \lambda t^2. p. 378: The y-axis of the rightmost graph of Fig. 6.28 is mis-labeled. It should be y(t=1). p. 379: Problem 10 is too similar to Example 6.39. p. 381: Problem 27: the inner product should be enclosed by angle brackets instead of parentheses. p. 381: Problem 30 is a repeat of Problem 18. p. 381: Problem 31 is a repeat of Problem 8. p. 381: Problem 33 is a repeat of Problem 4. p. 382: Problem 37 is a repeat of Problem 11. p. 384: Problem 57 is a repeat of Problem 14. p. 385: Problem 61 is a repeat of Problem 56. p. 385: Problem 66 is a repeat of Problem 64. p. 386: Problem 72 may benefit from changing the lower limit to -infinity. p. 423: One additional equation after (7.218) would clarify: = I.I - 4 uu^T + 4uu^T.uu^T. Because u^T.u=1, this reduces to = I. p. 424: Eq. (7.229) should actually employ uu^T; it presently incorrectly uses u^T.u, though Eq. (7.230) is correct. p. 426: Eq. (7.240) should read I - 2 uu^T. The actual numerical values are correct. p. 440: Eq. (7.337) has an unneeded dot in the matrix product. p. 450: Columns of Q's should be the NORMALIZED eigenvectors, not just the eigenvectors. p. 457: More nuance is needed for the projection matrix P. P as defined by (7.477) is guarnateed symmetric with spectral norm of 1. And it guarantees P.x = P.P.x, as required. However if P = {{1,0},{1,0}}, we find a) P.x = P.P.x, b) eigenvalues of P are 1 and 0; c) P is asymmetric, d) the spectral norm of P is sqrt(2), thus P can stretch vectors of certain orientatiion, e.g. if x = (1,0)^T, P.x = (1,1)^T. So, in constast to statements on p. 458, some authors might not require ||P||=1. p. 460: Eq. (7.497) needs another "dot" within its matrix multiplication. p. 469: In Eq. (7.593), we should have q_11 = 1/sqrt(10). p. 475: Problem 32 has no Cholesky decomposition as the matrix is not positive definite. p. 486: Figure 8.2 needs negative signs on some numbers on the y axis. p. 491: Some confusion exists here. The phi_i of Eq. (8.72) is orthonormal. The phi_i of Eq. (8.73) is not. It's written carefully, but it is confusing. It could and should be reformulated for more clarity. p. 518: Just after Eq. (9.159), should read “eigenvectors ${\bf e}_k, k=1,2,...,K$, as possible.” p. 553: In the caption of Fig. 9.13, one should replace dx/dx by dx/dt. p. 562: Eq. (9.494) should have an 8 in the numerator of both terms, not 4\sqrt{2}. p. 562: Eq. (9.495) should have additional sqrt{2} on both terms because this is part of the basis function.