program sine cc cc Program written by J. M. Powers cc University of Notre Dame cc 1999 cc cc This program solves the second order ODE: cc cc d2f/dx2 + f = 0 cc cc subject to the initial conditions cc cc f(0) = 0, df/dx(0) = 1. cc cc The solution is known to be cc cc f = sin(x). cc cc The program compares its estimation to the known solution. cc The program calls upon the IMSL subroutine DIVPRK cc which uses a Runge-Kutta-Verner fifth and sixth order cc explicit method to numerically integrate the resulting cc coupled set of first order ODE's. cc cc IMSL documenation is available with the SUN command cc cc iptdoc cc cc On the Sun system at Notre Dame, the proper compile cc statement is cc cc f77 sin.f -o sin -limsl -lnsl -lsocket cc cc This generates an executable file named "sin" cc cc cc It's a good idea to declare "implicit none", which cc forces you to declare all variables. cc implicit none cc double precision fcn,x,xend,tol,param(50),f(2) double precision dx,xmax integer ido,neqn,i external fcn cc cc Note to be in double precision, all variables must be cc declared double precision; AND all constants must cc have a "d0" extension. dx = 0.01d0 xmax = 5.d1 tol = 1.d-10 x = 0.d0 param(4) = 10**8 ido = 1 neqn = 2 cc cc Initial conditions cc f(1) = 0.d0 f(2) = 1.d0 cc cc Print headers cc print110,'x','f(x)','g(x)','sin(x)' 110 format(a7,3a15) print*,' ' cc cc Print initial values cc print100,x,f(1),f(2),dsin(x) 100 format(4(e12.6,3x)) cc cc Main loop in time cc do 10 i=1,100000 xend = x + dx cc cc Below is the IMSL routine. cc call divprk(ido,neqn,fcn,x,xend,tol,param,f) x = xend print100,x,f(1),f(2),1.d0-f(2)**2-f(1)**2 if( to 11 10 continue 11 continue stop end cc cc Subroutine fcn below is needed by cc the IMSL routine divprk to calculate derivatives. cc subroutine fcn(neqn,x,f,fprime) implicit none double precision x,f(2),fprime(2) integer neqn fprime(1) = f(2) fprime(2) = -f(1) return end