
J. M. Powers

  1. Powers, J. M., 2024, Mechanics of Fluids, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. publisher link

  2. Powers, J. M., 2016, Combustion Thermodynamics and Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, New York. publisher link

  3. Powers, J. M., and Sen, M., 2015, Mathematical Methods in Engineering, Cambridge University Press, New York. publisher link

  1. Pielemeier, K. R., Davies, A. M., and Powers, J. M., 2024, “Solution Verification of Anomalous Waves in Non-Ideal Gases,” Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, accepted and to appear.

  2. Zahr, M. J., and Powers, J. M., 2021, "High-Order Resolution of Multidimensional Compressible Reactive Flow Using Implicit Shock Tracking," AIAA Journal, 59(1): 150-164. manuscript

  3. Shabouei, M., Subber, W., Williams, C. W., Matous, K., and Powers, J. M., 2019, "Chemo-Thermal Model and Gaussian Process Emulator for Combustion Synthesis of Ni/Al Composites," Combustion and Flame, 207(9): 153-170. manuscript

  4. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., 2015, "Verified and Validated Calculation of Unsteady Dynamics of Viscous Hydrogen-Air Detonations," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 769: 154-181. manuscript

  5. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., Mengers, J. D., and Al-Khateeb, A. N., 2015, "Slow Attractive Canonical Invariant Manifolds for Reactive Systems," Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 53(2): 737-766. manuscript

  6. Mengers, J. D., and Powers, J. M., 2013, "One-Dimensional Slow Invariant Manifolds for Fully Coupled Reaction and Micro-Scale Diffusion," SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 12(2): 560-595. manuscript

  7. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., 2013, "Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Scales of Laminar Premixed Flames Near Equilibrium," Combustion Theory and Modelling, 17(1): 76-108. manuscript

  8. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., 2012, "The Effect of Diffusion on the Dynamics of Unsteady Detonations," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 699: 453-464. manuscript

  9. Powers, J. M., 2010, "John H. S. Lee: The Detonation Phenomenon," Shock Waves, 20(5): 445-446. manuscript

  10. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., 2010, "On the Necessary Grid Resolution for Verified Calculation of Premixed Laminar Flames," Communications in Computational Physics, 8(2): 304-326. manuscript

  11. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., Sommese, A. J., Diller, J. A., Hauenstein, J. D., and Mengers, J. D., 2009, "One-Dimensional Slow Invariant Manifolds for Spatially Homogeneous Reactive Systems," Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(2): 024118. manuscript

  12. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., 2008, "Uniqueness of Chemical Equilibria in Ideal Mixtures of Ideal Gases," American Journal of Physics, 76(9): 848-855. manuscript

  13. Cochran, M. T., and Powers, J. M., 2008, "Computation of Compaction in Compressible Granular Material," Mechanics Research Communications, 35( 1-2): 96-103. manuscript

  14. Powers, J. M., and Frolov, S. M., 2006, "Introduction: Perspectives on Detonation-Based Propulsion," Journal of Propulsion and Power, 22(6): 1153-1154. manuscript (restricted access)

  15. Powers, J. M., 2006, "Review of Multiscale Modeling of Detonation," Journal of Propulsion and Power, 22(6): 1217-1229. manuscript

  16. Powers, J. M., and Aslam, T. D., 2006, "Exact Solution for Multidimensional Compressible Reactive Flow for Verifying Numerical Algorithms,'' AIAA Journal, 44(2): 337-344. manuscript

  17. Henrick, A. K., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., 2006, "Simulations of Pulsating One-Dimensional Detonations with True Fifth Order Accuracy," Journal of Computational Physics, 213(1): 311-329. manuscript

  18. Henrick, A. K., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., 2005, "Mapped Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes: Achieving Optimal Order Near Critical Points," Journal of Computational Physics, 207(2): 542-567. manuscript

  19. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., 2005, "Accurate Spatial Resolution Estimates for Reactive Supersonic Flow with Detailed Chemistry," AIAA Journal, 43(5): 1088-1099. manuscript

  20. Powers, J. M., 2004, "On the Necessity of Positive Semi-Definite Conductivity and Onsager Reciprocity in Modeling Heat Conduction in an Anisotropic Media," Journal of Heat Transfer, 126(5): 670-675. manuscript

  21. Powers, J. M., 2004, "Two-Phase Viscous Modeling of Compaction of Granular Materials," Physics of Fluids, 16(8): 2975-2990. manuscript

  22. Brooks, G. P., and Powers, J. M., 2004, "Standardized Pseudospectral Formulation of the Inviscid Supersonic Blunt Body Problem," Journal of Computational Physics, 197(1): 58-85. manuscript

  23. Brooks, G. P., and Powers, J. M., 2004, "A Karhunen-Loève Least-Squares Technique for Optimization of Geometry of a Blunt Body in Supersonic Flow," Journal of Computational Physics, 195(1): 387-412. manuscript

  24. Singh, S., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., 2002, "On Slow Manifolds of Chemically Reactive Systems," Journal of Chemical Physics, 117(4): 1482-1496. manuscript

  25. Singh, S., Rastigejev, Y., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., 2001, "Viscous Detonation in H2/O2/Ar Using Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifolds and Wavelet Adaptive Multilevel Representation," Combustion Theory and Modelling, 5(2): 163-184. manuscript

  26. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., 2000, "A High Resolution Numerical Method for a Two-Phase Model of Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition," Journal of Computational Physics, 163(2): 376-433. manuscript

  27. Powers, J. M., 1999, "Thermal Explosion Theory for Shear Localizing Energetic Solids," Combustion Theory and Modelling, 3(1): 103-122. manuscript

  28. Caspar, R. J., Powers, J. M., and Mason, J. J., 1998, "Investigation of Reactive Shear Localization in Energetic Solids," Combustion Science and Technology, 136(1-6): 349-371. manuscript

  29. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., 1996, "A Numerical Investigation of Transient Detonation in Granulated Material," Shock Waves, 6(4): 183-195. manuscript

  30. Grismer, M. J., and Powers, J. M., 1996, "Numerical Predictions of Oblique Detonation Stability Boundaries," Shock Waves, 6(3): 147-156. manuscript

  31. Grismer, M. J., and Powers, J. M., 1995, "Calculations for Steady Propagation of a Generic Ram Accelerator Configuration," Journal of Propulsion and Power, 11(1): 105-111. manuscript (restricted access)

  32. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., 1994, "Formulation, Predictions, and Sensitivity Analysis of a Pyrotechnically Actuated Pin Puller Model," Journal of Propulsion and Power, 10(4): 501-507. manuscript (restricted access)

  33. Powers, J. M., 1994, "Oblique Detonations: Theory and Propulsion Applications," Combustion in High-Speed Flows, J. Buckmaster, T. L. Jackson, and A. Kumar, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 345-371. manuscript

  34. Grismer, M. J., and Powers, J. M., 1992, "Comparisons of Numerical Oblique Detonation Solutions with an Asymptotic Benchmark," AIAA Journal, 30(12): 2985-2987. manuscript (restricted access)

  35. Powers, J. M., 1992, "Comment on 'Approximate Formula of Weak Oblique Shock Wave Angle,' " AIAA Journal, 30(11): 2801. manuscript (restricted access)

  36. Powers, J. M., and Gonthier, K. A., 1992, "Reaction Zone Structure for Strong, Weak Overdriven, and Weak Underdriven Oblique Detonations," Physics of Fluids A, 4(9): 2082-2089. manuscript

  37. Powers, J. M., and Stewart, D. S., 1992, "Approximate Solutions for Oblique Detonations in the Hypersonic Limit," AIAA Journal, 30(3): 726-736. manuscript (restricted access)

  38. Powers, J. M., Stewart, D. S. and Krier, H., 1990, "Theory of Two-Phase Detonation--Part II Structure," Combustion and Flame, 80(3-4): 280-303. manuscript

  39. Powers, J. M., Stewart, D. S. and Krier, H., 1990, "Theory of Two-Phase Detonation--Part I Modeling," Combustion and Flame, 80(3-4): 264-279. manuscript

  40. Powers, J. M., Stewart, D. S. and Krier, H., 1989, "Analysis of Steady Compaction Waves in Porous Materials," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 56(1): 15-24. manuscript

  41. Powers, J. M., Stewart, D. S. and Krier, H., 1988, "Two-Phase Steady Detonation Analysis," in Dynamics of Explosions, A. L. Kuhl, J. R. Bowen, J. C. Leyer, and A. Borisov, eds., Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series, Vol. 114, AIAA, Washington, DC, pp. 341-361. manuscript (restricted access)

  42. Powers, J. M., and Krier, H., 1986, "Attenuation of Blast Waves when Detonating Explosives Inside Barriers, " Journal of Hazardous Materials, 13(2): 121-133. manuscript

Ph.D. Dissertation
  1. J. M. Powers, 1988, "Theory of Detonation Structure for Two-Phase Materials," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. dissertation

Conference papers, presentations, and unrefereed publications
  1. Farmer, J., Oliva, A., McClarren, R., Jemcov, A., and Powers J.M., January 2024, "Spectral Model for Nonequilibrium Radiation Induced from Flow Around a Hypersonic Body," AIAA 2024-0653, AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida. manuscript

  2. Powers, J. M., December 2023, "Detailed and Reduced Modeling of Reacting Fluid Mechanics," Invited Seminar, Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale, Sapienza, Universita di Roma. slides

  3. Powers, J. M., December 2023, "Verification in Scientific Computing: from Pristine to Practical to Perimeter-Extending," Invited Seminar, Ingegneria Aeronautica e Spaziale, Sapienza, Universita di Roma. slides

  4. Powers, J. M., November 2023, "Harmony in High Speed Combustion," Invited Seminar, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Southampton. slides

  5. Pielemeier, K. R., and Powers, J. M., January 2022, “Anomalous Waves in Non-Ideal Detonation Dynamics,” AIAA 2022-0396, AIAA SciTech Forum, San Diego, California. manuscript

  6. Powers, J. M., February 2021, "Verification in Scientific Computing: from Pristine to Practical to Perimeter-Extending," Invited Seminar, Florida Atlantic University. slides

  7. Zahr, M. J., and Powers, J. M., June 2020, "Accurate Methods for Computing HighMach Number Reactive Flow," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Computational Engineering Division, Invited Virtual Seminar. slides

  8. Powers, J. M., May 2020, "Verification in Scientific Computing: from Pristine to Practical to Perimeter-Extending," ASME V&V 2020, Virtual Verification and Validation Symposium. slides

  9. Shabouei, M., Williams, C., Matous, K., and Powers, J. M., July 2019, "Chemo-Thermal Simulation of Heterogeneous Reactive Composites," 15th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, Texas.

  10. Pielemeier, K., and Powers, J. M., May 2019, "Numerical Simulation of One-Dimensional Detonations with Non-Ideal Equations of State," 17th Internatiopnal Conference on Numerical Combustion, Aachen, Germany.

  11. Shabouei, M., Matous, K., and Powers, J. M., November 2017, "Chemo-Thermal-Mechanical (CTM) Modeling of Solid Reactive Materials," ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Tampa, Florida.

  12. Powers, J. M., July 2017, "Reduced Manifolds and Trajectory Curvature," Sixth International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, Princeton, New Jersey. slides extended abstract

  13. Lee, H. B., Ghia, U., Bayyuk, S., Oberkampf, W. L., Roy, C. J., Benek, J. A., Rumsey, C. L., Powers, J. M., Bush, R. H., and Mani, M., June 2016, "Development and Use of Engineering Standards for Computational Fluid Dynamics for Complex Aerospace Systems," AIAA 2016-3811, 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Washington, D.C. manuscript slides

  14. Shi, K., Jemcov, A., and Powers, J. M., November 2015, "Physical Diffusion Suppresses the Carbuncle Instability," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 60(21): 573. slides

  15. Powers, J. M., November 2015, "Verification and Validation of Detonation Simulation," AIAA Notre Dame Student Chapter, Notre Dame, Indiana. slides

  16. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., June 2015, "Slow Attractive Canonical Invariant Manifolds for Hydrogen-Air Kinetics," Fifth International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, Berlin, Germany. slides extended abstract

  17. Powers, J. M., April 2015, "Detailed and Reduced Modeling of Reacting Fluid Mechanics," Environmental Fluid Dynamics Seminar Series, University of Notre Dame. slides

  18. Powers, J. M., March 2015, "Harmony in High Speed Combustion," Invited Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory. slides

  19. Powers, J. M., March 2015, "Harmony in High Speed Combustion," Invited Seminar, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico. slides

  20. Powers, J. M., February 2015, "Harmony in High Speed Combustion," Invited Seminar, Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame. slides

  21. Powers, J. M., Bruns, J. D, and Jemcov, A., January 2015, "Physical Diffusion Cures the Carbuncle Problem," AIAA-2015-0579, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Kissimmee, Florida. manuscript slides

  22. Powers, J. M., Romick, C. M., and Aslam, T. D., November 2014, "Nonlinear Dynamics of Hydrogen-Air Detonations with Detailed Kinetics and Diffusion," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 59(20): 348. slides

  23. Brill, S. R., Grenga, T., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., July 2014, "Automatic Error Estimation and Verification Using an Adaptive Wavelet Method," 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain. slides

  24. Powers, J. M., February 2014, "Verified and Validated Calculation of Multiscale Combustion in Gaseous Mixtures," Invited Seminar, SpaceX, Hawthorne, California. slides, movie

  25. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., November 2013, "On the Potential Failure of Reduced Reaction Kinetics," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 58(18): 70-71. slides

  26. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., November 2013, "On the Development of Hydrogen-Air Detonations," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 58(18): 285. slides

  27. Powers, J. M., and Mengers, J. D., June 2013, "Challenges of Reduction for Open Systems," 4th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, San Francisco, California. extended abstract

  28. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., and Mengers, J. D., June 2013, "The Slowness of Invariant Manifolds Constructed by Connection of Heteroclinic Orbits," 4th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, San Francisco, California. extended abstract slides

  29. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., April 2013, "Initiation of Viscous Detonation," Fourteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, San Antonio, Texas. slides

  30. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2013, "On the Resolution Necessary to Capture Dynamics of Unsteady Detonation," AIAA-2013-0887, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Grapevine, Texas. manuscript slides

  31. Powers, J. M., December 2012, Commencement Address, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. text

  32. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., November 2012, "Capturing the Dynamics of Unsteady Inviscid and Viscous Hydrogen-Air Detonations," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 57(17): 171.

  33. Powers, J. M., October 2012, "Verified Calculation of Multiscale Combustion in Gaseous Mixtures," Invited Seminar, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi. slides

  34. Powers, J. M., May 2012, "Verfied and Validated Calculation of Viscous and Inviscid Hydrogen-Air Detonation," Midwest Numerical Analysis Days, Notre Dame, Indiana, slides

  35. Powers, J. M., May 2012, Commencement Address, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame. text

  36. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., May 2012, "Verified and Validated Calculation of Unsteady Overdriven Hydrogen-Air Detonation," ASME Verification and Validation Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada, slides

  37. Powers, J. M., January 2012, "Verified Calculation of Multiscale Combustion in Gaseous Mixtures," Invited Seminar, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University. slides

  38. Mengers, J. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2012, "Model Reduction for Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Bifurcations in Slow Invariant Manifolds," AIAA-2012-0497, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Nashville, Tennessee, manuscript slides

  39. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2012, "Dynamics of Unsteady Inviscid and Viscous Detonations in Hydrogen-Air," AIAA-2012-0981, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Nashville, Tennessee, manuscript slides

  40. Mengers, J. D., and Powers, J. M., November 2011, "Slow Invariant Manifolds for Reaction-Diffusion Systems," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 56(18): 402-403. slides

  41. Powers, J. M., August 2011, "Verified Calculation of Multiscale Combustion in Gaseous Mixtures," Invited Seminar, Stanford University. slides

  42. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., July 2011, "Verified Calculation of Nonlinear Dynamics of Viscous Detonation," 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, California. slides

  43. Powers, J. M., July 2011, "Verification and Validation of Detonation Simulation: Topical Review," 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Irvine, California. slides

  44. Mengers, J. D., and Powers, J. M., July 2011, "Slow Invariant Manifolds for Reactive-Diffusive Systems," 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vancouver, British Columbia. slides

  45. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., July 2011, "The Dynamics of Detonation with WENO and Navier-Stokes Shock Capturing," 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vancouver, Canada. slides

  46. Zikoski, Z., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., April 2011, "Detonation Simulation Using the Parallel Wavelet Adaptive Multiresolution Method," 13th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Corfu, Greece. slides

  47. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., April 2011, "Spatial and Temporal Scales Coupling in Reactive Flows," Third International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flows, Corfu, Greece. manuscript slides

  48. Mengers, J. D., and Powers, J. M., April 2011, "Diffusion Correction to Slow Invariant Manifolds in a Short Length Scale Limit," Third International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flows, Corfu, Greece. manuscript slides

  49. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., April 2011, "The Dynamics of Unsteady Detonation with Diffusion," 13th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Corfu, Greece. slides

  50. Mengers, J. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2011, "Application of Slow Invariant Manifold Correction for Diffusion," AIAA-2011-0111, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, manuscript slides

  51. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2011, "The Dynamics of Unsteady Detonation with Diffusion," AIAA-2011-0799, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida, manuscript slides

  52. Romick, C. M., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., November 2010, "Dynamics of Unsteady Detonation with Diffusion," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 55(16): 338. slides

  53. Zikoski, Z. J., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., November 2010, "Simulation of Compressible Reacting Flow using the Parallel Wavelet Adaptive Multiresolution Representation," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 55(16): 240. slides

  54. Zikoski, Z. J., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., November 2010, "Simulation of Multidimensional Detonation in an H2-O2-Ar Mixture Using an Adaptive Wavelet Method," ASME International Mechanical Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, Canada. slides

  55. T. D. Aslam and J. M. Powers, June 2010, "Effects of Diffusion on the Dynamics of Detonation," Gordon Research Conference-Energetic Materials, Tilton, New Hampshire. slides

  56. J. D. Mengers and J. M. Powers, March 2010, "Diffusion Effects on Slow Invariant Manifolds," Proceedings of the 2010 Technical Meeting of the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Urbana, Illinois. manuscript slides

  57. Al-Khateeb, A. N., and Powers J. M., January 2010, "Analysis of the Reaction-Advection-Diffusion Spectrum of Laminar Premixed Flames," AIAA 2010-0954, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida. manuscript slides

  58. Ghia, U., Bayyuk, S., Habchi, S., Roy, C., Shih, T., Conlisk, T., Hirsch, C., and Powers, J. M., January 2010, "The AIAA Code Verification Project-Test Cases and Reference Data for CFD Code Verification," AIAA 2010-0125, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida. manuscript

  59. Paolucci, S., Li, W., and Powers, J. M., November 2009, "A Two-Phase Micromorphic Model for Compressible Granular Materials," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 54(19) pp. 121-122. slides

  60. Zikoski, Z. J., Romick, C. M., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., October 2009, "Advanced Multi-Scale Methods for Hypersonic Propulsion," AFOSR/NASA Foundational Hypersonics Project Review, Virginia Beach, Virginia. slides

  61. Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., July 2009, "High Accuracy Shock-Fitted Computation of Unsteady Detonation with Detailed Kinetics," 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Columbus, Ohio. slides

  62. Zikoski, Z. J., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., July 2009, "Accurate Calculation of Detonation with an Adaptive Wavelet Method," 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Columbus, Ohio. slides

  63. Powers, J. M., June 2009, "Verification, Validation, and Scientific Computing: Successes, Failures, and Challenges," Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. slides

  64. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers J. M., Paolucci S., Sommese, A. J., and Diller, J. A., and Hauenstein, J. D., March 2009, "Projective Space Method for Slow Invariant Manifolds of Reactive Systems," Second International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flows, Notre Dame, Indiana. manuscript slides

  65. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers J. M., Paolucci S., Mengers, J. D., Sommese, A. J., and Diller, J. A., March 2009, "On the Relation Between Reaction Dynamics and Thermodynamics in Closed Systems," Second International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flows, Notre Dame, Indiana. manuscript slides

  66. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers J. M., Paolucci S., Sommese, A. J., and Diller, J. A., January 2009, "Calculation of Slow Invariant Manifolds for Reactive Systems," AIAA 2009-1370, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida. manuscript slides

  67. Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2009, "The Dynamics of Unsteady Detonation in Ozone," AIAA 2009-0632, 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Orlando, Florida. manuscript slides

  68. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., Diller, J. A., Hauenstein, J. D., and Mengers, J. D., November 2008, "Constructing Slow Invariant Manifolds for Reactive Systems with Detailed Kinetics," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 53(15): 246. slides

  69. Zikoski, Z. J., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., November 2008, "Solution of Reactive Compressible Flows Using an Adaptive Wavelet Method," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 53(15): 122. slides

  70. Zikoski, Z. J., Romick, C. M., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., November 2008, "Advanced Multi-Scale Methods for Hypersonic Propulsion," AFOSR/NASA Hypersonics Project Review, Dallas, Texas. slides

  71. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., Sommese, A. J., and Diller, J., November 2008, "Computation of Slow Invariant Manifolds for Hydrogen-Air Systems," ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Massachusetts. slides

  72. Wirasaet, D., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., July 2008, "Multiscale Computations of Fluid Flows Using an Adaptive Wavelet Method," 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Venice, Italy. slides

  73. Powers, J. M., Al-Khateeb, A. N., Paolucci, S., and Sommese, A. J., March 2008, "Calculation of Invariant Manifolds for Reacting Systems," SIAM Twelfth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Monterey, California. slides

  74. Powers, J. M., Wirasaet, D., and Paolucci, S., January 2008, "Advanced Multi-Scale Methods for Hypersonic Propulsion," NASA Hypersonics NRA Review, San Antonio, Texas. slides.

  75. Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2008, "Shock-Fitted Calculation of Unsteady Detonation in Ozone," AIAA-2008-1036, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides.

  76. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., November 2007, "Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Reactive Systems," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 52(7): 105. slides

  77. Al-Khateeb, A. N., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., November 2007, "On Numerical Resolution Requirements in Combustion Modeling," IMECE2007-42984, Proceedings of IMECE2007, 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington. manuscript

  78. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., and Al-Khateeb, A., N., September 2007, "On the Coupling Between Length and Time Scales for Reacting Flow," International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flow, Rome, Italy manuscript slides

  79. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., September 2007, "The Thermodynamics of Slow Invariant Manifolds for Reacting Systems," International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flow, Rome, Italy manuscript slides

  80. Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., September 2007, "On the Computation of Approximate Slow Invariant Manifolds," International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flow, Rome, Italy manuscript slides

  81. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., and Al-Khateeb, A. N., July 2007, "Verification and Validation of Premixed Laminar Flames," 9th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, California slides

  82. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., and Al-Khateeb, A. N., May 2007, "Slow Invariant Manifolds for Reaction Diffusion Systems," SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah. slides

  83. Al-Khateeb, A. N., and Powers, J. M., January 2007, "Verified Computations of Laminar Premixed Flames," AIAA-2007-0381, 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  84. Paolucci, S., Powers, J. M., and Stanisic, M. M., November 2006, "Measureable Skills," Mechanical Engineering, 128(11): 8. manuscript

  85. Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., November 2006, "Slow Invariant Manifolds in Chemically Reactive Systems," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 51(9): 260. slides

  86. Powers, J. M., July 2006, "Mathematical Verification of Simulations of Reactive Flows with Embedded Discontinuities," Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, California. slides

  87. Henrick, A. K., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., April 2006, "Two-Dimensional Shock-Fitted Numerical Solutions," SIAM Eleventh International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Granada, Spain. slides

  88. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., April 2006, "Strategies for Computing Slow Invariant Manifolds in Reactive Systems," SIAM Eleventh International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Granada, Spain. slides

  89. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., January 2006, "Accurate Estimates of Fine Scale Reaction Zone Thicknesses in Hydrocarbon Detonations," AIAA-2006-0950, 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  90. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., November 2005, "Resolution Matters: Issues in Computational Simulation of Detailed Kinetics Gas Phase Combustion," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 50(9): 69. abstract slides

  91. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., July 2005, "Simulations Using Detailed Kinetics Demand Proper Resolution," Sixth International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Gaithersburg, Maryland. slides

  92. Powers, J. M., and Cochran, M. T., July 2005, "Viscous Compaction Waves," SIAM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. slides

  93. Powers, J. M., and Aslam, T. D., January 2005, "Exact Solutions for Two-Dimensional Reactive Flow for Verification of Numerical Algorithms," AIAA-2005-1173, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  94. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., January 2005, "Accurate Estimates of Fine Scale Reaction Zone Thicknesses in Gas Phase Detonations," AIAA-2005-1171, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  95. Henrick, A. K, Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., January 2005, "Highly Accurate Numerical Simulations of Pulsating One-Dimensional Detonations," AIAA-2005-1311, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  96. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., July 2004, "An Eigenvalue-Based Estimate of Reaction Zone Thicknesses in Gas Phase Detonations," Poster Session, 30th International Symposium on Combustion, Chicago, Illinois. abstract poster

  97. Aslam, T. D, Henrick, A. K., and Powers, J. M., July 2004, "Properties of Fifth-Order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) Schemes Near Critical Points and the Role of Epsilon," SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon.

  98. Powers, J. M., May 2004, "Two-Phase Viscous Modeling of Compaction in Energetic Materials," SIAM Tenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Sedona, Arizona. slides

  99. Henrick, A. K., Aslam, T. D., and Powers, J. M., May 2004, "WENO Shock-Fitted Soltution to 1-D Euler Equations with Reaction," SIAM Tenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Sedona, Arizona. slides

  100. Brooks, G. P., and Powers, J. M., January 2004, "Verification and Validation of Pseudospectral Shock Fitted Simulations of Supersonic Flow over a Blunt Body," AIAA-2004-0655, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  101. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., Singh, S., and Rastigejev, Y., July 2003, "Multiscale Modeling of Chemically Reactive Flows," 7th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, New Mexico. abstract

  102. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., and Singh, S., May 2003, "Low-Dimensional Manifolds in Reaction-Diffusion Systems," SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah. slides

  103. Singh, S., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., March 2003, "Effects of Convection and Diffusion on Rational Reduction of Detailed Kinetic Schemes," 3rd Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute, Chicago, Illinois. manuscript

  104. Brooks, G. P., and Powers, J. M., July 2002, "A Karhunen-Loève Galerkin Technique with Shock Fitting for Optimization of a Blunt Body Geometry," AIAA-2002-3861, 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Indianpolis, Indiana. manuscript

  105. Singh, S., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., June 2002, "Reactive Flows and Slow Manifolds," 14th U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Proceedings, pp. 502-503, Blacksburg, Virginia.

  106. Paolucci, S., Powers, J. M., and Singh, S., November 2001, "On Computing Reactive Flows Using Slow Manifolds," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 46(10): 188. slides

  107. Powers, J. M., October 2001, "Wavelet Adaptive Multilevel Representation (WAMR) and Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifold (ILDM) Method for Reactive Flows, Workshop on Adaptive Methods for Flow Computation (AMFLOW2001), Heidelberg, Germany. slides

  108. Powers, J. M., October 2001, "Computational Methods for Multiscale Reactive Fluid Mechanics: Instrinsic Low Dimensional Manifolds Coupled with a Wavelet Adaptive Multilevel Represenation," Invited Seminar, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London. slides (truncated)

  109. Singh, S., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., July 2001, "Reactive Flow Calcuations with Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifold Corrections for Convection and Diffusion," 18th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Seattle, Washington. abstract

  110. Powers, J. M., February 2001, "Viscous Detonation in H2/O2/Ar Using Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifolds and Wavelet Adaptive Multilevel Representation," Second International Workshop on Combustion Modeling, Mexican and Spanish Sections of the Combustion Institute, Veracruz, Mexico. slides

  111. Buckmaster, J., and Powers, J. M., December 2000, "Propellants and Combustion," Aerospace America, 38(12): 50. manuscript

  112. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., and Singh, S., August 2000, "Advances and Applications of Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifold Theory," Poster Session, 28th International Symposium on Combustion, Edinburgh, Scotland. abstract slides

  113. Powers, J. M., March 2000, "Resolved Viscous Detonation in H2/O2/Ar Using Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifolds and Wavelet Adaptive Multilevel Representation," Invited Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. slides

  114. Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., March 2000, "Wavelet/ILDM Modeling of Combustion," 8th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM/INRIA, Amelia Island, Florida.

  115. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., and Singh, S., March 2000, "Application of Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifolds to Nitramine Combustion," 8th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, SIAM/INRIA, Amelia Island, Florida. slides

  116. Rastigejev, Y., Singh, S., Bowman, C., Paolucci, S., and Powers, J. M., January 2000, "Novel Modeling of Hydrogen/Oxygen Detonation," AIAA-2000-0318, 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  117. Powers, J. M., Paolucci, S., Rastigejev, Y., and Singh, S., November 1999, "A Wavelet/ILDM Method for Computational Combustion," Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 44(8): 54. abstract slides

  118. Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., November 1999, "Manifolds Methods for Energetic Materials," IMA Workshop on High Speed Combustion in Gaseous and Condensed-Phase Energetic Materials, Minneapolis, Minnesota. slides

  119. Powers, J. M., October 1999, "Applications of Low Dimensional Manifolds," Explosive Research Program Review, Los Alamos National Laboratory. slides

  120. Singh, S., and Powers, J. M., July 1999, "Modeling Gas Phase RDX Combustion with Intrinsic Low Dimensional Manifolds," 17th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Heidelberg, Germany. extended abstract

  121. Singh, S., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., July 1999, "Multidimensional Detonation Solutions from Reactive Navier-Stokes Equations," 17th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Heidelberg, Germany. extended abstract

  122. Singh, S., Powers, J. M., and Paolucci, S., January 1999, "Detonation Solutions from Reactive Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA-99-0966, 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript

  123. Powers, J. M., August 1998, "Thermal Explosion Theory for Shear Localizing Energetic Solids," Poster Session, 27th International Symposium on Combustion, Boulder, Colorado. slides

  124. Powers, J. M., Mason, J. J., and Caspar, R. J., August 1997, "Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Reactive Shear Bands in Energetic Solids Loaded in Torsion," 16th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Cracow, Poland. extended abstract slides

  125. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., August 1997, "A Numerical Investigation of Self-Propagating Two-Phase Detonation," 16th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Cracow, Poland. extended abstract

  126. Powers, J. M., Cardena, A., and Grismer, M. J., October 1996, "Steady Propagation Speed for Ram Accelerators," XXXIX Congreso Nacional de Fisica, II Congreso de la Division de Dinamica de Fluidos, Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica, Oaxaca, Mexico. abstract

  127. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., March 1996, "Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Detonation in Granulated Energetic Material, Sixth International Conference on Numerical Combustion (SIAM/INRIA), New Orleans, Louisiana.

  128. Grismer, M. J., and Powers, J. M., August 1995, "Numerical Predictions of Oblique Detonation Stability Boundaries," 15th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boulder, Colorado.

  129. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., August 1995, "A Numerical Investigation of Transient Detonation in Granulated Material ," 15th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Boulder, Colorado.

  130. Powers, J. M., June 1994, "Multi-Dimensional Detonation Theory for Application to the Ram Accelerator," Second Wright Laboratory/AFOSR Workshop on Integrated Theory and Numerics for Design Applications, Eglin AFB, Okaloosa, Island, Florida. slides (truncated)

  131. Gonthier, K. A., Kane, T. J., and Powers, J. M., June 1994, "Modeling Pyrotechnic Shock in a NASA Standard Initiator Driven Pin Puller, AIAA 94-3054, 30th AIAA/ASME/ SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. manuscript

  132. Powers, J. M., and Gonthier, K. A., February 1994, "Sensitivity Analysis for a Pyrotechnically Actuated Pin Puller Model," Proceedings-Nineteenth International Pyrotechnics Seminar, Christchurch, New Zealand, South Pacific Information Service Ltd.: Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 240-254. manuscript slides

  133. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., February 1994, "Choked Flow Effects in the NSI Driven Pin Puller," 1994 NASA Aerospace Pyrotechnic Systems Workshop, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. manuscript

  134. Grismer, M. J., and Powers, J. M., January 1994, "Calculations for Steady Propagation of a Generic Ram Accelerator Configuration Using the Roe Method," AIAA 94-0550, AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno. Nevada. manuscript

  135. Powers, J. M., and Grismer, M. J., September 1993, "Propagation Speed Calculations for a Model Ram Accelerator," First International Workshop on Ram Accelerator, Saint-Louis, France. manuscript

  136. Gonthier, K. A., and Powers, J. M., June 1993, "Model Formulation and Predictions for a Pyrotechnically Actuated Pinpuller," Europyro 93 5e Congres International de Pyrotechnie, Strasbourg, France, pp. 237-248. manuscript (orignial form) manuscript (final form) slides

  137. Powers, J. M., April 1993, "Theory of Oblique Detonations and Application to Propulsion," Invited Seminar, Purdue University. abstract

  138. Powers, J. M., Fulton, D. R., Gonthier, K. A., and Grismer, M. J., January 1993, "Analysis for Steady Propagation of a Generic Ram Accelerator/Oblique Detonation Wave Engine Configuration," AIAA 93-0243, AIAA 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada. manuscript slides

  139. Powers, J. M., September 1992, "The Influence of Thick Reaction Zones in Spherical Underwater Detonations," ONR Workshop on Underwater Metallized Detonics, Pullman, Washington.

  140. Powers, J. M., and Gonthier, K. A., September 1992, "Pyrotechnic Modelling for the NSI Driven Pin Puller," Invited Seminar, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. slides

  141. Powers, J. M., and Gonthier, K. A., June 1992, "Pyrotechnic Modeling for the NSI and Pin Puller," NASA Aerospace Pyrotechnic Systems Workshop, Houston, Texas. slides

  142. Powers, J. M., and Gonthier, K. A., April 1992, "Methodology and Analysis for Determination of Propagation Speed of High Speed Propulsion Devices," Proceedings of the Central States Section Spring 1992 Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 1-6. manuscript

  143. Powers, J. M., April 1992, "Summary of Oblique Detonation Theory and Topics for Future Research," Invited Seminar, ICASE, NASA Langley Research Center. abstract

  144. Powers, J. M., February 1992, "Error Estimation in Numerical and Asymptotic Solutions for Reacting Flows," Invited Seminar, University of Iowa. abstract

  145. Powers, J. M., and Gonthier, K. A., January 1992, "Reaction Zone Structure of Weak Underdriven Oblique Detonations," AIAA 92-0347, AIAA 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada. manuscript

  146. Powers, J. M., Grismer, M. J., and Yungster, S., December 1991, "Asymptotic and Numerical Predictions of Oblique Detonations with Simple Finite-Rate Chemistry," Fourth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, (SIAM/INRIA), St. Petersburg, Florida. abstract

  147. Powers, J. M., and Grismer, M. J., June 1991, "Comparisons of Numerical and Exact Solutions for Oblique Detonations with Structure," AIAA 91-1677, AIAA 22nd Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics, and Lasers Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. manuscript

  148. Powers, J. M., Miller, M. E., Stewart, D. S., and Krier, H., July 1989, "Steady Deflagration Structure in Two-Phase Granular Propellants," 12th International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan. manuscript slides

  149. Krier, H., and Powers, J. M., January 1988, "Two-Phase Steady Detonation Analysis with Applications for Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition (DDT)," Invited Seminar, Société Nationale des Poudres et Explosifs, Centre de Recherché du Bouchet, Vert le Petit, France. slides

  150. Powers, J. M., Stewart, D. S., and Krier, H., August 1987, "Two-Phase Steady Detonation Analysis," 11th International Colloquium on Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Warsaw, Poland.

  151. Krier, H., Powers, J. M., and Stewart, D. S., May 1987, "Analysis of Detonation States when Shocking Two-Phase Reactive Solids," ONR Workshop on Dynamic Deformation, Fracture, and Transient Combustion, CPIA Publication 474, Chestertown, Maryland.

  152. Krier, H., Powers, J. M., and Stewart, D. S., March 1987, "Analysis of Detonation States when Shocking Two-Phase Reactive Solids," JANNAF Propulsion Systems Hazards Subcommittee Meeting, CPIA Publication 464, Vol. 1, Huntsville, Alabama. manuscript

  153. Powers, J. M. and Krier, H., June 1986, "The Attenuation of Blast Waves when Detonating Explosives Inside Barriers," Third Workshop on Launch Blast Overpressure, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.