In the early 1600's Puritan families were concerned with the thoughts that someday their trained and learned leaders would be no more. This caused them to put their first major stress on secondary and higher learning. This stress caused the establishment of Latin Grammar Schools. In a further attempt to ease their fears of not having an educated ministry the Puritans founded Harvard College. In order to enter this college one has to pass an entrance exam which demanded that they knew how to read and speak Latin and Greek.

The first Latin Grammar School was established in Boston in 1635. These schools were originally designed for only sons of certain social classes who were destined for leadership positions in church, state or courts. The study of Latin and Greek and their literatures was blended with the religious denominationalism coming from the heritage of the Protestant Reformation. The only pupils who were even considered for these schools were the male students who belonged to a certain class bracket. Girls were not considered for these schools because all of the world leaders and important "persons" were males from the upper class brackets.

Boys did not enter the schools until after they had learned the rudiments of their own language which gave them the foundations that were required to learn the basics of Latin and eventually Greek. The schools taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. The purpose of these Grammar Schools was to prepare the boys for the entrance test for Harvard College. Thus, there was great concern placed upon the ability to read and speak Greek and Latin.

The Grammar school's distinct purpose was as a specialist in preparing boys for higher learning. This purpose can be compared to modern High Schools which are to prepare today's pupils for the beginning of their higher learning in College.

Prepared by Tonjia Miller