version 13.1 * HW 02 -- Ted Cruz problem use, clear * Descriptive analyses sum cruz male socialcons fiscalcons * Estimate the lpm reg cruz i.male i.socialcons fiscalcons est store lpm * Estimate series of LRMs. Won’t bother showing all the output though. logit cruz i.male, nolog est store lrm1 logit cruz i.male i.socialcons, nolog est store lrm2 logit cruz i.male i.socialcons fiscalcons, nolog est store lrm3 * Use lrtest commands to assess fit lrtest lrm1 lrm2, stats lrtest lrm2 lrm3, stats * Display all the models in a single table esttab lpm lrm1 lrm2 lrm3, nobase mtitles z scalar(chi2 df_m p) pr2 bic * Plot the differences between men and women who are social conservatives * at different values of fiscal conservatism quietly margins male, at(fiscalcons = (-12 (.5) 12) socialcons = 1) marginsplot, noci scheme(sj) name(graph1, replace) quietly margins , dydx(male)at(fiscalcons = (-12 (.5) 12) socialcons = 1) marginsplot, noci scheme(sj) name(graph2, replace) * Classification table estat clas