clear all use, clear * estout, fre, khb, & spost13_ado need to be installed ********** Prepare the data first! ********** * Clean up income variables & some labels mvdecode V083309A, mv(-4 = .a \ 98 = .b) label variable income "Estimated Family Income in $1000s (recode of V083309A)" label variable pres2008 "Who did R vote for in 2008? (0 = McCain, 1 = Obama)" * pres2008 is a recode of the variable president, with the 25 * who voted for other candidates recoded to missing. * We aren't going to use weights in this problem, but we'll * leave the weights in in case you want to double-check whether the * logistic regression coefficients and the marginal effects * are affected much by whether you use or do not use weights. svyset CASEID [pweight = V080102A] * Dichotomize race to make analysis simpler. The nonwhite groups all voted * for Obama by wide margins so combining them seems reasonable. recode race (1 = 1 "White") (2 3 4 = 0 "NonWhite") (else = .), gen(white) label (white) label variable white "race recoded to 0 = NonWhite, 1 = White" * For convenience, we will keep ONLY the variables and cases we will be using. * DON'T drop the cases if you want to use svy though, as standard * errors will be off. keep CASEID V080102A pres2008 white age income bush feminist V083309A keep if !missing(CASEID, V080102A, pres2008, white, age, income, bush, feminist, V083309A) * Descriptive information on the variables used. Descriptive stats are off a bit * because weighting is not being used. e.g. Obama's margin of victory * was NOT as large as the unweighted numbers imply. codebook, compact fre pres2008 white ********** Now do the actual analysis! ********** capture estimates drop m1 m2 * We won't use weights because the khb command does not support them. * Luckily the logistic regression coefficients and margins results * are similar whether you use svy: or do not use it. * 1a. First, compare coefficients across nested models: logit pres2008 i.white, nolog est store m1 logit pres2008 i.white age income bush feminist, nolog est store m2 esttab m1 m2, t scalars(r2_p chi2 df_m p bic) sfmt(%9.4f) obslast nobaselevels * 1b. Now look at the y-standardized coefficients, given in the bStdY column, * and see if they lead to the same or different conclusions about * how the effect of white changes as more variables are added to the model. est restore m1 listcoef, std est restore m2 listcoef, std * 1c. Now look at the khb results, and see if they lead to the * same or different conclusions as the original coefficients did about * how the effect of white changes as more variables are added to the model. khb logit pres2008 i.white || age income bush feminist, nolog * 1e. Now look at the marginal effects. In this case it doesn't matter much * whether you the margins command, the MDL approach, or khb. estimates restore m1 margins, dydx(white) estimates restore m2 margins, dydx(white) khb logit pres2008 i.white || age income bush feminist, nolog ape