Richard Williams, Notre Dame Sociology

Instructions for installing and using Soc 513 Toolbook files on your PC

NOTE: Machine must be IBM compatible and have windows 3.1 or higher installed. These instructions are for Windows 3.1 but can be easily modified for later versions.

1. Create a directory called XSOC513.

2. Download or copy the file SOC513.EXE to this directory.

3. From the XSOC513 directory, type:


This will cause several files to be copied into the directory. Once you have successfully done this, the file SOC513.EXE can be deleted.

4. Get into windows. Click on File, then on Run.

5. Type:


where x: is the drive the directory is on, and lectyy is the lecture number you wish to look at, e.g. if files are installed on drive D and you want to view lecture 3, type

d:\xsoc513\tbook lect03

Note that you must specify the name of the lecture you want to view.

6. For navigation:

To move from one page to the next, you will usually click the arrows in the lower right-hand corner (or sometimes there will be a box labeled "return" which you will click).

Also -- Sometimes words or phrases will have a border around them. Click the word, and a pop-up screen will appear. Click the screen, and it will disappear.

Also -- for points labeled "A" "B" "C" etc., just click the point and the corresponding information will appear.

In general -- if in doubt, just click and see what happens.

If you get lost -- the following keys can also be used.

Ctrl-right arrow -- sends you to next page

Ctrl-left arrow -- sends you to previous page

Ctrl-uparrow -- sends you to first page of book

Ctrl-downarrow -- sends you to last page of book.

7. If you want to switch to a different file -- Click on File, and then Open (or else ctrl-O). A list of my files will appear. You can double-click on the one you want.

8. When through -- Click on File, then eXit.