version 13.1 * Set up data webuse nhanes2f, clear keep if !missing(diabetes, black, female, age) // Note: In later versions of Stata, some of these labels // are already defined. When that is so, the capture // prefix keeps the program from aborting with an errorlabel define black 0 "nonBlack" 1 "black" capture label define female 0 "male" 1 "female" capture label values female female capture label values black black quietly logit diabetes i.female age c.age#c.age, nolog margins, dydx(*) * Basics logit diabetes i.female age c.age#c.age, nolog est store m1 mcp age, show mcp age, ci quietly margins, at(age=(20(1)74)) marginsplot, noci * Select ranges of values mcp age, var1(20) show mcp age, at1(20(1)100) show mcp age, at1(% 10 (1) 90) show * Transformed X generate logage = log(age) logit diabetes i.female logage, nolog est store m2 lrtest m1 m2, stats mcp logage summarize age range w1 r(min) r(max) 20 generate logw1 = log(w1) fre w1 logw1, tab(5) mcp age (logage), var1(w1 (logw1)) show * Plot multiple groups simultaneously quietly logit diabetes i.female age c.age#c.age, nolog mcp age black, plotopts(scheme(sj)) mcp age black, ci mcp age black, ci plotopts(ycommon) * Use a continuous variable for X2, but specify plotting values quietly logit diabetes i.female age c.age#c.age c.weight, nolog mcp weight age, at1(% 1 (1) 99) at2( 20 45 70) plotopts(scheme(sj)) show mcp weight age, var1(30) at2( 20 45 70) plotopts(scheme(sj)) show * mcp with OLS regression & nonlinear terms sysuse auto, clear quietly reg price mpg c.mpg#c.mpg mcp mpg * Appendix: Analysis with Spline Models * Thanks to Patrick Royston for providing this example! set scheme sj /* Spline example, 4 knots at 5 35 65 95 centiles of age. */ global stub ex3b webuse nhanes2f, clear keep if sex==1 gen map = (bpsystol + 2 * bpdiast)/3 gen bmi = weight / (height/100)^2 // Generate splines for age (3 basis variables, zage1-zage3) mkspline zage = age, cubic nknots(4) matrix knots = r(knots) local knots forvalues j = 1 / 4 { local k = knots[1, `j'] local knots `knots' `k' } regress map zage1 zage2 zage3 i.race bmi hgb race#c.(zage1 zage2 zage3) c.bmi#c.(zage1 zage2 zage3) c.hgb#c.(zage1 zage2 zage3) // Create spline-transformed plotting ages local ages 20 22 24 26 28 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 gen ages = . tokenize `ages' local i 1 while "``i''" != "" { qui replace ages = ``i'' in `i' local ++i } mkspline wage = ages, cubic knots(`knots') local stuff lp(l - _ _- -.) lwidth(medthick ..) marginscontplot age (zage1 zage2 zage3), var1(ages(wage1 wage2 wage3)) ci /// plotopts(title("(a) Age only", placement(west)) leg(off) name(g1, replace)) marginscontplot age (zage1 zage2 zage3) race, var1(ages(wage1 wage2 wage3)) /// plotopts(`stuff' title("(b) Age x race", placement(west)) legend(label(1 "White") label(2 "Black") label(3 "Other") row(1)) name(g2, replace)) marginscontplot age (zage1 zage2 zage3) bmi, at2(20(5)40) var1(ages(wage1 wage2 wage3)) /// plotopts(`stuff' title("(c) Age x BMI", placement(west)) legend(label(1 "20") label(2 "25") label(3 "30") label(4 "35") label(5 "40") row(1)) name(g3, replace)) marginscontplot age (zage1 zage2 zage3) hgb, at2(13(1)16) var1(ages(wage1 wage2 wage3)) /// plotopts(`stuff' title("(d) Age x haemoglobin", placement(west)) legend(label(1 "13") label(2 "14") label(3 "15") label(4 "16") label(5 "17") row(1)) name(g4, replace)) graph combine g1 g2 g3 g4, imargin(small) saving($stub, replace) graph export $stub.eps, replace graph drop g1 g2 g3 g4