The purpose of the measurements is to extract a spatial
cross-correlation tensor
in the self-similar region of the jet. Here
and below Greek letters denote a fluctuation velocity component u1, u2or u3,
means the ensemble averaging.
For each block Fourier transformation of the velocity vector is performed,
After averaging
among all blocks of data a spectral correlation matrix
Thus, the problem of finding POD modes is reduced to a number of integral
equations with f and kz as parameters. In practice the correlation
tensor is known in finite equally spaced experimental points
i=1,..,m, where m is the number of the probes at one
rake, (m=8). So all the integrals (scalar products in general) should be
replaced with an appropriate finite summation. The simplest approach is to
consider a scalar product in discrete space
It corresponds to a rectangular finite approximation of the integral. The
equation (3) will become a matrix equation for
being an eigenvector
and eigenvalue of the
The matrix (5) was solved using IMSL library for UNIX system.
Thus, a finite set of m orthogonal spatial modes at the discrete spatial
with the corresponding
will be obtained. Because of the spatial
aliasing, only the first m/2 eigenmodes are defined unambiguously.