About the Project
The dataset is about the amount of girls and boys that are maltreated in different counties in Indiana from the years 2013-2017, as well as the rates.
Why this Project?
Because of the complex nature of child maltreatment, there aren't many analyses for child maltreatment, so more insights can be helpful. It is something that should be more talked about, and talking about it can lead to more prevention. It is something we care about, especially because it is in the state we live in.
Our project can be used mainly by researchers. It is also intended for the general public to be more aware and have more information. Additionally, maltreatment prevention organizations can find this information helpful.
Maltreatment Amounts by Year. For girls and boys.
The highest amount of maltreatment for girls was in 2016 with 18,204 and for boys was also in 2016 with 16,968.

Rates in Saint Joseph County
The highest maltreatment rates in this county for both boys (13.1) and girls (14.6) was in 2016.

Rates in Marion County
The highest maltreatment rates in this county for boys (12.3) was in 2016 and for girls (13.8) was in 2014.