Global CO2 Emissions

Global CO2 Emissions

Global CO2 Emissions

This project allows the user to find global CO2 emissions data from 2004-2014. The data source used was a CSV file containing data on CO2 emissions in many countries. Any researcher or person interested in the environment could use this project. We chose this topic because of the importance of environmental awareness and sustainable solutions in the world today.


To transform the data to information, we downloaded the CSV file and read its contents to create two data frames, one of data over years and one of data per country. We used these data frames to create different visualizations, including a world map with colors changing depending on emissions per capita, a timeline for the user's chosen country of total fuel used, and a bar graph for different types of fuel use per country. These visualizations changed the data into information showing how bigger countries tend to have higher CO2 emissions per capita and how many countries have been using more fuel as time has gone on.

In the first graph, you see the growth of emissions throughout the years per country. This is probably due to more industrialization. In the second graph, you can see that the bigger countries emit more CO2 per capita also due to further industrialization and greater economic power. In the third graph, you can compare the different types of emissions in a particular country to see which resources different countries are using. In the fourth graph, you can see the distribution of bunker fuels to see the amount that the majority of countries are using.


The most challenging aspect of our project was discovering how to sort the data relative to countries and years at the same time. The most rewarding aspect was seeing it all come together in the end to create a working program.

Dagny Brand and Angela Santos
