Quick Energy vs. Longterm Energy

Sugar, Calories, & Fat

This graph displays the sugar vs. caloric values of each cereal. The color of each marker is dependent on the fat numerical value found within each cereal. This graph is useful for people conscious about caloric intake or sugar/fat intake. These nutritional values relate to quick energy (sugars and calories) versus long term energy (fat). This graph helps distinguish the cereals that have low sugars/fats and low calories versus the cereals that have high sugars/fats and high calories. One who may be looking for some quick sugar/caloric intake would go for one of the cereals in the 12-16 range versus the cereals in the 0-4 range. One that may be avoiding sugars would go for the cereals in the 0-4 range versus the cereals in the 12-16 range.

Who makes the best cereal?

Manufacturer & Rating

This figure distinguishes the cereals' manufacturers and the ratings that the cereals produced by these manufacturers received. The individual cereal names can be seen through hovering over the markers.The size of each marker is based on the weight of the cereal. This graph suggests which cereal brands typically make the 'higher' ratings versus which cereal brands make some of the lowest ratings. This graph does suggest that the brands ratings do vary with about an average of 20-30 points. These ratings are likely based on nutritional values of the cereals and how 'good' they are for consumption.

Health Benefits of Each Cereal

Vitamins, Potassium, & Fiber

The graph above shows the fiber vs. potassium nutritional (numerical) values of each cereal. The cereal names are displayed through hovering over each marker. The size of each marker is based on the weight of the cereal. The brands of each marker can be seen by the color displayed correlating to the legend. This graph is useful as it shows key nutritional values (fiber and potassium) that are typically seen as valuable/nutritional supplements needed in a healthy humans' diet. This graph also takes it a step further as it separates the fiber vs. potassium based on the vitamin nutritional value (seen at the top of each section). Thus the figure helps emphasize which cereals are deemed 'healthiest' versus 'not as healthy.'

Fitness fuel?

Protein & Carbohydrates

This graph shows the cereals' protein count versus carbohydrates count. The color of each marker is based on the brand of cereal. The size of the markers are based on the weight of each cereal. The cereal names can be found by hovering the mouse of each marker. This graph can be useful for those who are seeking high protein diets or high carb diets. The graph helps the viewer to assess which cereals would best fit their dietary needs and benefit their health.


Are you wondering what cereals might be best for you? We have determined that the best cereal overall is All-Bran with Extra Fiber (highest rating and health benefits)! This cereal has good amounts of vitamins, fibers, potassium, protein, and carbohydrates. We also recommend cereals by the brand Nabisco, as they are rated highly and also have good health benefits. Make sure to look at the graphs above to find out which cereal suits you best!
Are you wondering what cereals might be best for you? If you’re looking for a cereal with a low sugar intake for your day to day life, we recommend: Puffed Wheat, Shredded Wheat, Cream of Wheat, and Quaker Oatmeal, and Cheerios (0-1 g of sugar). Looking for a quick sugar fix for insulin: we recommend a small serving size of Smacks and Golden Crisp (15 g of sugar).
Are you wondering what cereals might be best for you? If you are looking to fuel your body with protein and carbohydrates, we recommend Cheerios and Special K. If you are looking to get some vitamins, potassium, or fiber, we recommend Total Raisin Bran and All-Bran with Extra Fiber.