Airplane Crashes

This project focuses on retrieving and analyzing airplane crash data from two different sources. One source contained information of all the crashes since 1920. Another source contained information of every active registered airplane in 2021. We used this data to create five main plots. The first plot focuses on determining the military with the most crashes. The second plot determines the airline with the most crashes. The third plot investigates the US state with the most crashes. The fourth plot looks into finding the country with the most crashes. The final plot determines the manufacturer with the most crashes.

Bar graph depicts military crash frequency of top 8 countries.

Bar graph depicts crash frequency of top 15 airlines.

US states map depicts crash frequency of each state per year. Another map shows the cumulative crashes per state.

World countries map depicts crash frequency of each country per year. Another map shows the cumulative crashes per country.

Bar graph depicts crash frequency of top 10 manufacturers.

©2022 Samuel Hillenmeyer and Mark Van Kirk