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State of indiana

In our project we collected data that shares the most recorded baby names dating all the way back from 1910 to 2020. More specifically, we observed the number of occurences of a name for each gender from the social security administration. Since there is an extremely large range of names that have been recorded, the list of names in our data is restricted to only names that have at least five recorded occurences. We also only focused on observing names that have been recorded from the state of Indiana.

Top Five Boy Names From Each Decade

For each decade, the top five boy names with the most occurences were recorded. In this graph we can see how each boy name maintains its popularity from the time span of 1910 to 2020 every 10 years. You can view the popularity of each boy name for a given year by hovering over the colored bars on a respective name. Each year is characterized with a certain color in the key of the graph located on the right. Notice how names John and Robert were one of the top five names in the 1910s. These names maintained their popularity until the 1970s. By this time, they are no longer a part of the list of the top 5 most popular names. In modern day, new names that have not been recorded previously, such as Oliver, Liam, and Henry, are now a part of the top five most popular names

Top Five Girl Names From Each Decade

Similarly, the top five girl names with the most occurences were recorded in the same manner. In this graph we can see how each girl name maintains its popularity from each decade. Each year is also characterized with a certain color in the key of the graph located on the right. Notice that the names Helen and Ruth were in the top five most popular names in the 1910s and 1920s. However, they lost their popularity in the 1930s. Additionally, notice how names Charlotte and Amelia became some of the top five popular names in the year 2020.

Average Girl Name Length

This data set shares the average length of each girl name recorded from each decade from 1910 to 2020 also. An important take away is that girls were named with the fewest letters between the 1910s and the 1960s. From then on, there is an increase in the number of letters present in girl names until 2020. The decade with the largest average name length for girls is the 2010s.

Average Vowels In Girl Name

This data set shares the average number of vowels present in each girl name recorded from each deacde. We can see a decrease in the number of vowels in girl names from the 1910s to 2020s. Years that included the largest number of vowels present in girl names were the 1910s and 1930s. From then on, the value decreases. The decade with the fewest number of vowels present in girl names is the 1980s.

Average Consonants In Girl Names

Based off of the data presented for the number of consonants in girl names, there appears to be an almost steady increase in the number of consonants for girl names from 1910 to 2020. The smallest number of consonants is in the 1910s decade with about 5.8. The largest number of consonants is in the 2010s with about 6.1.

Average Boy Name Length

This data set shares the average length of each boy name recorded from each decade. This graph is similar to the one completed for girl names above. An important take away is that boy names experienced a decrease in their average name lengths from the 1910s to the 1960s. From then on, there is a notable increase until 2020. The decade with the fewest letters present in boy names is the 1960s.

Average Vowels In Boy Names

This data set shares the average number of vowels present in each boy name recorded from each decade. We can see a trend that the average number of vowels present experiences a slight decrease from 1910 to 1960. In the 1960s, the average number of vowels present in boy names was at an all time low of 5.4. We then see a steady increase until 2020.

Average Consonants In Boy Names

This data set appears to show no relationship in the average number of consonants present in boy names and the variety of decades since there is not a steady trend. Some data that we can still observe from the graph is that the smallest number of consonants in boy names was at an all time low in the 1960s. The highest recorded was in the 1910s.