Main Analysis

In these next few charts, we are going to be portraying insights about the investments of senators of the United States, the average american, and comparisons between them.


Through this choropleth, several insights can be taken. Firstly, it can be seen how the average american in mosts state invest roughly from 10-20k, yet some states in particular gain prominence with Hawaii leading the average American investment with 50k. The west of the U.S has a higher investment/household as compared to the midwest and south.

Through this choropleth and in comparison to the previous, it can be seen how the senator for each state spends much more than the average person in that state, with some states the senators spending over $1M in investments (PA and Florida). Further, this shows that the average investment of an American in that state is not correlated at all, with the average investment of the senator in Massachusetts being 0 (none of them had any investments), while the average investment of the American there is one of the highest, around $35k.

Through this choropleth and in comparison to the previous choropleths, it can be seen once again how the average investment of an american in the state is not correlated with the average investment of the senator, as Virginia was one of the states with the lowest investments by Americans, but it led the way with an average of $61M invested by senators, demonstrating that it’s the wealth of the senators that are in power that matter with their investments, and richer states with more people is not correlated with a bigger investment from the senators.

Through this pie chart, it can be seen how the senators, on average, concentrate most of their investments in the $1,001-15,000 range, yet there were was also a significant portion that was in the $15,001-$50,000 and even in the $50,000-100,000 range, demonstrating their wealth.

Through this pie chart and in comparison to the previous pie chart, it can be seen how the senators tend to invest much more than the average american, as the average american concentrates their investments within the $1,000-15,000 range, (over 98% compared to 71.7%), which demonstrates that senators are more willing to invest greater amounts towards their stocks (perhaps due to insider trading). Furthermore, it’s interesting to notice that the average american made more investments in the $250,001-500,000 range than the $100,000-$250,000 perhaps demonstrating that the people who invest large sums of money, upper-class people, are more willing to invest larger amounts (as the senators do) instead of lower amounts (this could be due to some insider trading or working in close connection and knowledge with the stock market).

Through this pie chart, it can be seen how most of the investments from senators are focused on technology companies, such as Apple, Netflix, Microsoft, Disney, which is particularly interesting since they’re the ones who are most subjected to government regulation, therefore, any bill passed by the senate will have a direct impact on these companies, therefore, there might be insider trading impacting these investments. Furthermore, it’s particularly interesting to notice the investments in Pfizer, with 76 different investments made by senators, which may point to the power that senators have to pass bills and have knowledge of this and make action prior to its release, as the Senate was able to control which companies’ Vaccines were bought, and Pfizer was the main vaccine used in the U.S

Through this pie chart and a comparison to the previous pie chart, it can be seen how Apple is a very popular stock, even amongst the American people, yet most of the stocks bought by the Average American does not correlate with the stocks bought by the senators (perhaps due to difference in knowledge of the stock market, or lack of insider knowledge and information). Furthermore, it’s important to point out that the average American is heavily invested in technology companies, as compared to the average senator.

Through this bar chart, it can be seen how, although the senators as could be seen through the previous pie chart had several transactions with the most popular companies, they weren’t willing to invest as much money, as could be seen by a completely different amount of money spent on these particular stocks. In particular, it’s important to notice the investment in ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) as it’s owned by one of the senators, therefore, the investments were done by herself. However, it’s important to notice the investments in CDLX (Cardlytics) and how a recent senate bill was passed that made its stock skyrise, so it points to a possible conflict of interest within the senators and insider trading.

Through this bar chart and in comparison to the previous pie chart and bar chart, it can be seen how the list is exactly the same as the most popular stocks, demonstrating that the average american is willing to invest the most money in the most popular stocks, in comparison to the senators who made larger investments with companies they were more ‘familiar with’ (pointing to insider trading). Furthermore, it can be seen how technology companies lead the way, with Apple, NVIDIA, and AMD being the companies with the most amount of money invested in them total.