The following guide and/or the steps given below will help you register:
(You may register anytime after Wednesday January 14)
Step 1: Go to this Website( to login.
Step 2: Click on Enter class key at the top right of the page.
Step 3: Enter the class key that you get from your instructor and click on Submit. (If for some reason you switch sections later, remind your new instructor to have you switched to the new section on the system)
Step 3: Verify Information and click on Yes, this is my class.
Step 3 If you don't have a Webassign account ckick on Continue and follow to the next step. If you already have a WebAssign account check the appropriate button, click on Continue and you should be set.
Step 4: You will then be asked to fill out an Information Form. Choose your username. Your institution code is nd. Choose a password and Re-enter the password. (If you forget this at some point throughout the semester, contact student support WebAssign Support Center as soon as possible to obtain a new password.) Enter you First Name and Last Name as they appear on your Notre Dame ID. A student ID number is not required and I recommend you leave this field blank. See The example below:
Preferred Username: calciscool
Institution Name: nd
Password: iluvcalc1
Re-Enter Password : iluvcalc1
First Name : Melinda
Last Name : McNulty
E-mail Adress:
Student ID Number : Leave blank
Click on Create My Account. You may now log in to your account.
Step 5: A Greeting Notice will be displayed on your Home Page telling you that the grace period (for usage without an access code) ends on Sept 10. Choose continue my trial period and click on the Continue Button at the bottom of the page.
You will now be able to view your Home Page, which will give you a list of Current assignments. You are now ready to start work on your current assignments.
Your Home Page also offers a window with information on the e-book. You can preview the e-book and the attached media files if you click on this window.