To: vendors
Subject: No money
Dear !{first}!,
We have no money for any stuff - please stop calling!
CC: boss_list

The To: vendors line opens the 'vendors' file which contains data for all vendors for our business.

The 'boss_list' file contains five lines of data with the following email addresses: pointy_headed_boss@top, flunky_one@next_to_top, flunky_two@next_to_top, flunky_three@next_to_top, engineer@actually_working.bottom. They are listed in the order in which they occur in the file.

Any person named Joe on the 'vendors' list sees the following message, with subject No money.

Dear Joe,
We have no money for any stuff - please stop calling!
CC: pointy_headed_boss@top
Compare with the BCC version.

A warning: If your vendor list has one hundred names on it, one hundred copies of this message will appear in your boss's email with the only difference being the name after the Dear. It's up to you and your boss if this is a good thing.