To: restricted_class [scores{last,first}=>{last,first}] Subject: Your test results Dear !{sal}! !{last}!, Your score on the test was !{score}! which results in a letter grade of !{lg}!. [[[if($fields{score}>90) {return("Nice job!");} elsif($fields{score}<60) {return("Please make an apppointment to see me.");]]] Sincerely, Me *************************************************
'restricted_class' is a list of the people in my class who have given me permission to email their exam data. It typically is a subset of the entire class. 'scores' is a file containing the exam data for the entire class. Each file has fields named first and last and the combination of last name and first name uniquely identifies the individual. The 'restricted_class' contains at least two additional fields, the email address for the student and a 'sal' field which is a Mr. or a Ms. as appropriate. In the 'scores' file in addition to fields named 'first' and 'last' there are fields 'score', the numerical result achieved and 'lg', the letter grade for that score.