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The Horizon Report describes key trends, significant challenges, and important developments that are likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in higher education. Innovating Pedagogy explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment by examining ten innovations that have the potential to provoke major shifts in educational practice. These reports are put together in different ways, with distinct goals (see the beginning of each ).
We're not promoting wild predictions. As this document shows, they often go wrong. We're encouraging you to stay informed about new developments and their potential.
WATCH two videos: Horizon Report 2017 (at right) and Innovating Pedagogy (2015)
READ three of these selections - at least one from each document.
READ the table of contents of the 2010 Horizon Report to gain some perspective. Notice the time-to-adoption threshold for augmented reality.
FIND at least one article, video, or website that relates one of the highlighted trends, technologies or practices to your discipline in some way.
Gartner's "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies" charts visibility/adoption over time. The cycle (it's really a curve) starts with over-enthusiasm and moves through disillusionment to productivity. See the image at right.
OPTIONAL — Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation is the source of categorizations like "early adopter". Gartner's Hype Cycles are rooted in this theory. Here's a summary of Rogers' work (PDF). See also the "Adopters" image at right.
JUST FOR FUN — watch Outdated World, a 2011 commercial from BestBuy AND Technology Trends, Dell's 2017 take on how higher education might look in the future.
Consider what you've learned so far. Make some notes for later, when you'll write a reflection. The prompts below may help. "X" is shorthand for a trend, technology, or practice.
Choose one the trends, technologies, or practices you read about (we'll refer to your choice as "X"). Consider the potential impact of X on teaching and learning in your discipline and then create ONE of these digital artifacts. Don't spend more than 30 minutes.
Reflect on what you created, then write a reflection of at least 250 words.
Include the following in your reflection:
Trend or practice - explicitly connect to at least one
Hype Cycle - locate one technology on it (your opinion)
Connections - rrelate your learning for this badge to your own teaching & learning, both past experience and future plans
Link - at least one resource, article, website, etc.
Media - at least one embedded image or video (include the source).
These prompts may help: