* this example is attributed to jeff smith from; * the economics department at michigan. the data; * set contains a sample of 1500 females who; * participated in the job training partnership act program; * each respondent could have received one of 4 job training; * services. 1=classroom training. 2=on the job training; * 3= job search assistance, 4=other; * set end of line marker; # delimit; set more off; * increase memory; set memory 20m; * write results to file; log using c:\bill\jpsm\job_training_example.log,replace; * load up sas data set; use c:\bill\jpsm\job_training_example; * get contents of data file; desc; * get summary statistics; sum; * get frequency of choice variable; tab choice; * run multinomial logit. omitted groups are; * whites, those with > 12 years of ed, those w/ work experience; * base(#) tells STATA what category should be the reference option; * base(4) is using other as the reference group; mlogit choice age black hisp nvrwrk lths hsgrad, base(4); * get marginal effects for the 4 options, on the job training; mfx compute, predict(outcome(1)); mfx compute, predict(outcome(2)); mfx compute, predict(outcome(3)); mfx compute, predict(outcome(4)); * test for IIA using the Hausam test; * the program eliminates one choice at ; * a time then compares the unrestricted; * estimates to the restricted ones; mlogtest, hausman; log close;