* this data for this example are adults, 18-64; * who answered the cancer control supplement to; * the 1994 national health interview survey; * the key outcome is self reported health status; * coded 1-5, poor, fair, good, very good, excellent; * a ke covariate is current smoking status and whether; * one smoked 5 years ago; # delimit; set memory 20m; set matsize 200; set more off; log using c:\bill\jpsm\sr_health_status.log,replace; * load up sas data set; use c:\bill\jpsm\sr_health_status; * get contents of data file; desc; * get summary statistics; sum; * get tabulation of sr_health; tab sr_health; * run OLS models, just to look at the raw correlations in data; reg sr_health male age educ famincl black othrace smoke smoke5; * do ordered probit, self reported health status; oprobit sr_health male age educ famincl black othrace smoke smoke5; * get marginal effects, evaluated at y=5 (excellent); mfx compute, predict(outcome(5)); * get marginal effects, evaluated at y=3 (good); mfx compute, predict(outcome(3)); * use prchange, evaluate marginal effects for; * 40 year old white female with a college degree; * never smoked with average log income; prchange, x(age=40 black=0 othrace=0 smoke=0 smoke5=0 educ=16); log close;