* this program replicates results from acemoglou and angrist; * jpe, 2001. The paper examined the impact of Americans; * for Disability act on employment and earnings with a simple; * difference in difference model. The data in this program; * are males aged 21-39 from the 1988-1997 March CPS. The data; * was downloaded from the IPUMS web page. This sample is ; * pretty close in size to the one used by the authors; * The March CPS surveys people in year t about work in year t-1; * Therefore, year is survey year, yearw is work year (year-1); * the ADA goes into effect in July of 1992 so it is in effect for; * work year 1992 and on; # delimit; set more 1; set memory 80m; * increase maximum variables; set matsize 60; *define log; log using ada_jpe.log,replace; *read in stata data file; use ada_jpe; * construct new variables and reduce the sample; * delete people with business income (self employed); drop if incbus~=0; gen yearw=year-1; gen white=race==100; gen black=race==200; gen hispanic=((100<=hispan)&(hispan<500)); gen lths=educrec<6; gen hsgrad=educrec==7; gen somecol=educrec==8; gen disabled=disabwrk==2; gen ada=yearw>=1992; gen weekly_earn=incwage/wkswork1; gen treatment=ada*disabled; gen disabled_state=100*disabled+statefip; label var yearw "year of work"; label var white "d.v., =1 if white"; label var black "d.v., =1 if black"; label var hispanic "d.v., =1 if hispanic"; label var lths "d.v., =1 if have less than high school educ"; label var hsgrad "d.v., =1 if high school graduate"; label var somecol "d.v., =1 if have some college"; label var ada "d.v., =1 in 1992 and beyond"; label var disabled "d.v., =1 if have work disability"; label var treatment "d.v., disabled in post ADA period"; label var disabled_state "unique ID for disability status and state"; * get work year and region fixed effects; xi i.yearw i.region i.age; * the authors interact the disabled dummy with all year effect; * and include all interactions in the model. if the d-in-d; * assumptions are correct, the interactions prior to 1992 should; * all be zero; gen d_y88=_Iyearw_1988*disabled; gen d_y89=_Iyearw_1989*disabled; gen d_y90=_Iyearw_1990*disabled; gen d_y91=_Iyearw_1991*disabled; gen d_y92=_Iyearw_1992*disabled; gen d_y93=_Iyearw_1993*disabled; gen d_y94=_Iyearw_1994*disabled; gen d_y95=_Iyearw_1995*disabled; gen d_y96=_Iyearw_1996*disabled; compress; * run basic diff-in-diff model, column 2, table 3; * do not control for covariates; reg wkswork1 _Iy* disabled d_y*; * run basic diff-in-diff model, column 2, table 3; * do not control for covariates; * have only one treatment variable; reg wkswork1 _Iy* disabled treatment; * run basic diff-in-diff model, column 3, table 3; * control for covariates; reg wkswork1 _Ia* _Iy* _Ir* white black hispanic lths hsgrad somecol disabled d_y*; * run basic diff-in-diff model, column 3, table 3; * control for covariates; * have only 1 treatment variable; reg wkswork1 _Ia* _Iy* _Ir* white black hispanic lths hsgrad somecol disabled treatment; * cluster errors on state; reg wkswork1 _Ia* _Iy* _Ir* white black hispanic lths hsgrad somecol disabled treatment, cluster(statefip); * cluster errors on the state/disability status; reg wkswork1 _Ia* _Iy* _Ir* white black hispanic lths hsgrad somecol disabled treatment, cluster(disabled_state); log close;