#include//Required for cin, cout. using namespace std; //Function prototype void swapIntegers(int&, int&); int main() { //Declare variables. int a, b; //Get values for a and b. cout << "enter two integer values: "; cin >> a >> b; //Print values of a and b before the swap cout << "Before swap:\n a is " << a << " b is " << b << endl; //Call swap function and print values swapIntegers(a,b); cout << "After call to swapIntegers\n a is " << a << " b is " << b << endl; //Exit main return 0; } /*****************************************************************/ void swapIntegers(int& me, int& you) { //Declare temporary variable; int hold; //Swap the values in a and b hold = me; me = you; you = hold; //exit void function return; }