Semester: Spring 2012
Topics in Applied Mathematics
Course code:
ACMS 80770
Instructor:  Yongtao Zhang

E-mailyzhang10 AT nd DOT edu
Office location: HAYE 242
Office phone: (574) 631-6079 
Office hours:  Thur 2:00pm-4:00pm
, or by appointment
Meeting time and place: Mon Wed & Fri 10:40am-11:30am, DBRT 232 (Lecture)

Introduction: In this course, we will emphasize high order accurate numerical methods (e.g. Weighted ENO methods, Discontinous Galerkin Finite Element methods) for solving convection-dominated PDEs (e.g. nonlinear hyperbolic type PDEs, convection-diffusion PDEs) and numerical methods for solving advection-reaction-diffusion PDEs. We will discuss algorithm development, analysis and implementation. Recent advances in high order accuracy numerical methods and their applications in computational physics and computational biology will be discussed. Students will work on course papers and projects.

Prerequisites: Graduate level Numerical Analysis; Undergraduate level PDE course.

Course Description