Type 'p' to obtain prompting on input: Type debug to Turn On Debugging: debug : file : verbose :NS_vel :scalar_field :plot_mesh :oned_MUSCL :g_point_propagate :redistr_computing_load :perform_redistribute_load :overture_coarse_to_fine : end Type 't' to obtain traceback of debug lines upon error termination: Enter the spatial dimension of the computation: 2 Enter the remapping (Jacobian) converting the physical coordinate system to the cartesian computational coordinate system. The choices are Identity Remap (default) (i) Cylindrical Geometry (c) Type Choice Here: I Enter the computational limits in the x direction, XL, XU: 0 1 Enter the computational limits in the y direction, YL, YU: 0 4 Enter the numbers of grid intervals of the computational grid in the x & y directions: 100 400 The topological grid is a grid used for the construction of the tracked front topology. It is constrained to be a square grid. You specify the grid in one of two ways. If you enter a single number, it will be used as a coarseness factor for the topological grid relative to the computational grid entered above. In this case the length of a topological grid block cell side is the nearest allowable multiple of the shortest side of the computational grid by the coarseness factor. Otherwise the code will read the two integers input for the number of grid cells in each coordinate direction of the topological grid. If your input values do not yield a square grid they will be corrected to produce a square grid. This correction will attempt to produce values close to those input, but if the input values are highly rectangular, the resulting values may differ considerably from those entered. The default for this input option is the nearest square grid that matches the computational grid. Generally the topological grid is coarser than the computational grid. Larger coarseness factors yield coarser grids, a value one gives the nearest square grid to the computational grid. Enter your choice (cor_fac, two integers, or return) (defaults are 160 1600): The topological mesh used is 160 1600 General run termination/pause conditions Enter limits on real time (max time), mesh time (max timesteps), an optional initial time, and an optional stop time mode (exact or constant), (dflt = inf 2147483647 0 constant): 3.35 5000 Specify the pause time mode [exact, constant(dflt), mesh]: Enter the first Pause Time (dflt = inf): Enter maximum number of time step modifications allowed during a propagation step (default = 50): Select triangulation for grid, staggered grid [s], or non-stagger grid (n) (default): Select triangulation option, exact [e], fast [f], or pcs [p, dflt]: Printing Control Request main output format(s). Options are front_plots only (F) front_plots plus interior_states (Restart format) (R) front_plots plus tri_plots (T) front_plots, interior_states, and tri_plots (A) HDF raster plots (H) SDS files (S) PROSTAR plots (P) suppress output (dflt) Enter the choices as a space separated list: R S H Prompt for front_plots printing control. Specify the interval type for printing [exact, constant, mesh (default)]: mesh Enter the time interval and first time for printing (default = 1 0): 20 155 Request binary/non-binary output [b(dflt),n]: n Prompt for interior_states printing control. Specify the interval type for printing [exact, constant (default), mesh]: mesh Enter the time interval and first time for printing (default = 1 0): 20 155 Request binary/non-binary output [b,n(dflt)]: Prompt for HDF_plots printing control. Specify the interval type for printing [exact, constant (default), mesh]: mesh Enter the time interval and first time for printing (default = 1 0): 20 0 Request binary/non-binary output [b,n(dflt)]: Prompt for SDS_plots printing control. Specify the interval type for printing [exact, constant, mesh (default)]: m Enter the step interval and first step for printing (default = 100 0): 20 0 Request binary/non-binary output [b,n(dflt)]: n The user can request that restart dumps be printed at a specified wall time interval. These dumps will be named lastdump0 and lastdump1 and will be alternately overwritten as the run proceeds The wall time dump frequency can be given in units of seconds, minutes (default), or hours. Indicate the units in the obvious way such as 30 minutes, 2 hours, etc. To request this option enter the wall time print frequency: 2 hours Print wall time dumps in binary (default = no): Request composition type of materials. Available types are PURE_NON_REACTIVE (PNR, default) MULTI_COMP_NON_REACTIVE (MCNR) Enter choice here: HDF plotting initialization Specify variables to be plotted (HDF). The choices are -- x-velocity (X), y-velocity (Y), flow speed (U), kinetic energy density (K), momentum (M), density (D), energy density (E), vorticity (VORTICITY), divergence of velocity (W), pressure (P), specific internal energy (I), temperature (T), specific enthalpy (H), entropy (S), radial component of velocity (RV), tangential component of xy velocity (TV), self similar Mach number (L), or Mach number (N). Enter choices as a space separated list, using multiple lines if needed. Terminate all lines EXCEPT THE LAST with a backslash '\' Enter choices: D P Enter the coordinates of lower corner of the initial view box (dflt = 0 0): Enter the coordinates of upper corner of the initial view box (dflt = 1 10): Enter the velocity of the view box (dflt = 0 0): Specify the number of pixels in the x and y directions (dflt 60 600): Enter an optional plotting filter for DENSITY, choices are Identity filter (none, default) Log filter (log) Log1p filter (log1p) Exp filter (exp) Expm1 filter (expm1) Atan filter (atan) Tan filter (tan) Enter choice: Enter optional scaling factors for DENSITY: Color palelette data for DENSITY can be entered as either an HDF color palette file, or as a raw color palette consisting of a binary list of unsigned chars in the form of 256 red values, followed by 256 green values, followed by 256 blue values. A raw format file is indicated by appending a blank and the indicator raw after the file name. Otherwise any file entered will be assumes to be in HDF palette format. Enter an optional color palette file: Enter an optional plotting filter for PRESSURE, choices are Identity filter (none, default) Log filter (log) Log1p filter (log1p) Exp filter (exp) Expm1 filter (expm1) Atan filter (atan) Tan filter (tan) Enter choice: Enter optional scaling factors for PRESSURE: Color palelette data for PRESSURE can be entered as either an HDF color palette file, or as a raw color palette consisting of a binary list of unsigned chars in the form of 256 red values, followed by 256 green values, followed by 256 blue values. A raw format file is indicated by appending a blank and the indicator raw after the file name. Otherwise any file entered will be assumes to be in HDF palette format. Enter an optional color palette file: You will now be prompted for a base file name and optional directory for the HDF output. Output for each variable is to a separate file whose name contains the base name, and the prompt string for that variable. Enter a file name for the output for HDF data: Enter the compression type, choices are None (N) Run length encoding, no data loss (R, default) JPEG, some data loss (J) Enter choice: N End HDF plotting initialization SDS plotting initialization Specify variables to be plotted (SDS). The choices are -- x-velocity (X), y-velocity (Y), flow speed (U), kinetic energy density (K), momentum (M), density (D), energy density (E), vorticity (VORTICITY), divergence of velocity (W), pressure (P), specific internal energy (I), temperature (T), specific enthalpy (H), entropy (S), radial component of velocity (RV), tangential component of xy velocity (TV), self similar Mach number (L), or Mach number (N). Enter choices as a space separated list, using multiple lines if needed. Terminate all lines EXCEPT THE LAST with a backslash '\' Enter choices: D P X Y VORTICITY Enter the coordinates of lower corner of the initial view box (dflt = 0 0): Enter the coordinates of upper corner of the initial view box (dflt = 0.2 0.4): Enter the velocity of the view box (dflt = 0 0): Specify the number of pixels in the x and y directions (dflt 300 600): Specify additional GAS printing variables. The choices are, u will now be prompted for a base file name and optional directory for the SDS output. Output for each variable is to a separate file whose name contains the base name, and the prompt string for that variable. Enter a file name for the output for SDS data (default = ): Enter the compression type, choices are None (N, default) Run length encoding (R) Gzip deflation (G) Adaptive Huffman algorithm (H) Enter choice: N End SDS plotting initialization Specify additional GAS printing variables. The choices are, VELOCITY (V), RADIAL_COMPONENT_OF_VELOCITY (RV), PRESSURE (P), SPECIFIC_ENTROPY (SPECIFIC_ENTROPY), SOUND_SPEED (SOUND_SPEED), TEMPERATURE (TEMPERATURE), TANGENTIAL_COMPONENT_OF_XY_VELOCITY (TV). Enter choices as a space separated list, using multiple lines if needed. Terminate all lines EXCEPT THE LAST with a backslash '\' Enter choices: Specify interior hyperbolic difference method. Select the difference method for solving the hyperbolic system in the interior regions away from the fronts. Choices are Split Lax-Wendroff (LWS) Split Lax-Friedrichs (LFS) Split first order Godunov (G) Vectorized split Lax-Wendroff (VLS) Five point Vectorized split MUSCL (VM) Colella Piecewise Linear Method (PLM) Vectorized pseudo unsplit Lax-Wendroff (PUSLW) Vectorized pseudo unsplit MUSCL (PUSM) Colella pseudo unsplit Piecewise Linear Method (PUSPLM) Enter choice here: PROJ Current defaults for artificial viscosity parameters--- Artificial Viscosities and Heat Conductions Use nonlinear artificial viscosity = no Coefficient of nonlinear artificial viscosity = 0 Use linear artificial viscosity = no Coefficient of linear artificial viscosity = 0 Use upwind artificial viscosity = no Coefficient of upwind artificial viscosity = 0 Use MUSCL slope flattening = no Muscl slope flattening parameter eta inverse = 0 Muscl slope flattening minimum shock strength = 0 Muscl slope flattening minimum shock specific volume jump = 0 Coefficient of artificial heat conduction = 0 Muscl slope flattening charateristic speed cutoff = 0 Coefficient of dynamic surface tension = 0 Artificial viscosity stability coefficient = 1 Use current defaults for artificial viscosity parameters (dflt = y, type p to print defaults): n To have a global default coefficient of Lapidus nonlinear artificial viscosity enter the coefficient (default = 0, type d to use 0.5): To have a global default coefficient of linear artificial viscosity enter the coefficient (default = 0, type d to use 0.05): To have a global default coefficient of upwind artificial viscosity enter the coefficient (default = 0, type d to use 0.1): To have a global default coefficient of artificial heat conduction enter the coefficient (default = 0, type d to use 0.05): Dynamic surface tension is used to stabilize contacts against shear instabilities. The value for this coefficient should be of the same magnitude as the wavelength (in zones) of the instabilities you wish to suppress, i.e. 2-4 zones. To have a global default coefficient of dynamic surface tension enter the coefficient (default = 0, type d to use 0): The following choices are available for a gravitational acceleration No gravity (N or default) Constant gravity (C or Y) Time dependent gravity (T) Astrophysical (central force) gravity (A) Radial gravity with constant magnitude (R) Enter choice: Y Enter x component of gravity (dflt = 0): 0 Enter y component of gravity (dflt = 0) 9.8, -10.0: -9.8 Dynamic tracking decision variables Tracking decisions on dynamically produced waves are based on a floating point cutoff on the wave strength. Strengths are normalized to zero for weak waves, so a tolerance of 0.0 will always signal tracking, and a very large tolerance will always signal not to track. For each interaction type, you will be asked to enter the cutoff tolerance and a tolerance type for determining whether scattered waves of the indicated type should be tracked when produced by a specific bifurcation type. The currently supported tolerance types are Never track (Never) Always track (Always) Pressure ratio minus one across the wave (Pressure) Absolute value of the Atwood number across the wave (Atwood) Mach number minus one for the state ahead of the wave (Mach) Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected shocks at regular reflections = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected shocks at attached boundary reflection nodes = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking the slip line at Mach reflections = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected shocks at Mach reflections = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking the Mach stem at Mach reflections = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking slip lines produced by shock crossings = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected shocks at shock crossings = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking slip lines at shock overtakes = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected shocks at shock overtakes = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking transmitted shocks at shock overtakes = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected rarefaction leading edges at shock overtakes = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected rarefaction trailing edges at shock overtakes = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking material interfaces at shock-contact diffractions = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected shocks at shock-contact diffractions = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking transmitted shocks at shock-contact diffractions = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected rarefaction leading edges at shock-contact diffractions = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking reflected rarefaction trailing edges at shock-contact diffractions = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking material interfaces at shock-contact transmission nodes = always track Wave strength tolerance for tracking transmitted shocks at shock-contact transmission nodes = always track Don't Turn off tracking of regular reflection node if node propagation fails Don't Turn off tracking of Mach node if node propagation fails Don't Turn off tracking of overtake node if node propagation fails Don't Turn off tracking of precursor rr diffraction (cluster) if node propagation fails End Dynamic tracking decision variables Use default settings for dynamic tracking (default = y): Type yes to request automatic wave capture: Point propagation parameters have the current default values Operator split normal/tangential update Current values for options for g_npt_w_speed A wave is defined to be strong if |1 - (1/(rho*c)*|dp/du|| > Mach_tol or |rhol - rhor|/(rhol+rhor) > A_tol Mach_tol = 0.25 A_tol = 0.25 Neumann boundary states are computed by an average of a reflection symmetry contact propagation and a method of characterics calculation. The weight of the symmetry contact result is proportional to the flow gradient. The wall limiter value gives this proportionality constant. Wall_limiter = 1 vector_moc = MOC_PLUS_RH scalar_moc = RIEMANN without filtering of outgoing waves vector_ahead_state_moc = 0x813e4f0 shock_ahead_state_riem_inv_moc neumann_moc = 0x813e454 neumann_riem_inv_moc End current values for options for g_npt_w_speed Use defaults for point propagation operators (dflt = y): The current defaults for the linear interpolation options are Linear interpolation based on conserved variables Use current defaults for linear interpolation options (default = y): Enter an upper bound for the number of components (default = 100): Specify initial interface of tracked curves Choices are Input interface by hand (type `screen') Input interface from a file (restart option - enter filename) Request default option(s) (hit `return') Enter choice: 2D front redistribution control Enter tracking algorithm, choices are: Grid free tracking(F), Grid based tracking (G), Enter choice: F Curve Redistribution Control Enter the mode of curve redistribution -- `none', `expansion', or `full' (dflt): Enter version of full curve redistribution ordinary full curve redistribution [o] equi-bond curve redistribution [e(default)] Enter choice: Redistribution Frequency Control Enter the frequency of redistribution for general curves (dflt = 20): 5 Enter the frequency of redistribution for vector curves (dlft = 5): Enter the frequency of node redistribution (dflt = 10): Enter the redistribute count (default = 0): Type 'y' for rect grid based redistribution of rectangular boundaries: front spacing control Enter the spacing for general curves in dimensionless length/mesh units (dflt = 0.75): Enter the spacing for vector type curves in dimensionless length/mesh units (dflt = 0.75): Small loop control Reflect small loop shocks (dflt = no): time step size control The current defaults for the front time step control are Time step factor = 0.75 Apply CFL at nodes = yes Maximum node separation at untangle = 2 CFL increase factor = 1.1 Minimum time step modification factor = 0.75 Maximum time step modification factor = 1.25 Use defaults for front time step control (default = y): n Enter the time step factor (fraction of CFL condition - default 0.75): 0.45 Use node velocity to restrict CFL condition (default YES): Enter the maximum node separation at tangles (default 1.5): Enter the CFL increase factor (default 1.1): Enter the minimum time step modification factor (default 0.75): Enter the maximum time step modification factor (default 1.25): flow specified state enforcement at fronts Enforce flow specified states at fronts (dflt=yes): Type yes to propagate front in moving frame (dflt = no): Select tangent computation algorithm, choices are Linear centered SECANT vectors (SECANT, default) Fourth order LANGRANGIAN interpolation (LANGRANGIAN) Cubic SPLINE fit (SPLINE) Enter choice: To use curvature dependent limiting at scalar fronts enter the curvature factor (dflt = 0): Request problem type. Current choices are an ambient state test (AM), a trigrid test (TRI), a plane front (P), a bowshock (BO), a Meshkov instability problem (M), a shock diffraction (D), a shock transmission (T), a ramp reflection problem (RR), a contact-contact interaction (CC), a Richtmyer linear theory (RL), an astrophysical jet (AJ), an injection inlet jet (IJ), a gas injection jet (FJ), a neutrino booster colapse (NB), a Supernova simulation (SN), an imploding elliptical shock (IMP), a shock running over an expanding ramp (X), a random surface instability problem (RS), a shocked thermal layer (STL), a Richtmyer-Meshkov instability problem (RM), a Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem (RT), a bubbles and drops problem (BD), an expanding shells (ES), shock jet interaction (SJ), a Radial Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem (Radial Rayleigh Taylor), or a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability problem (KH). Enter choice here: RS Light fluid is above and heavy fluid below. Four types of random surface problems are supported: Rayleigh-Taylor random surface with linearized initial states (RT) Rayleigh-Taylor without linear analysis (RA) Kelvin-Helmholtz random surface (KH). Enter choice: RA Enter the choice of initial front description Three types of descriptions are supported Multiple mode description (M, default), Multiple bubble description (B), Multiple random bubble description (R). Enter choice: M Enter the number of modes or the minimum and maximum mode numbers in the initial interface (dflt = 1): 8 Enter the mean position of the front above L[1], 0.5 for height 1: 2.0 Enter the amplitude of mode 0: 0.00125 Enter the phase of mode 0: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 0: 2 Enter the amplitude of mode 1: 0.00125 Enter the phase (in degrees) of mode 1: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 1: 7 Enter the amplitude of mode 2: 0.00125 Enter the phase (in degrees) of mode 2: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 2: 11.5 Enter the amplitude of mode 3: 0.00125 Enter the phase (in degrees) of mode 3: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 3: 14 Enter the amplitude of mode 4: 0.00125 Enter the phase (in degrees) of mode 4: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 4: 16.5 Enter the amplitude of mode 5: 0.00125 Enter the phase (in degrees) of mode 5: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 5: 21 Enter the amplitude of mode 6: 0.00125 Enter the phase (in degrees) of mode 6: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 6: 25.5 Enter the amplitude of mode 7: 0.00125 Enter the phase (in degrees) of mode 7: 90 Enter the number of periods in the x direction for mode 7: 29.5 Choices for the perturbation boundary type are PERIODIC (p) SYMMETRIC (s) UNMODIFIED (u) Enter the boundary type of perturbation in direction 0 (dflt = u): p Enter the density below, above 1.225 0.1694, 1.0 1.0 : 1.225 0.1694 Type y to turn off tracking for the contact: You will now be prompted for the number of different equations of state models, followed by prompts for the parameters of each EOS. The various equations of state will then be referred to by the integer that corresponds to the order in which they are prompted. Enter the number of EOS models to be used: 2 Enter the equation of state type for the material with index 0. Current choices are Obstacle (behind reflecting wall) (O), Polytropic (gamma law) gas (P), Stiffened polytropic gas (SP), Multiple component polytropic gas (MP), Sesame table lookup (SE), JWL Equation of state (J), Mie Gruneisen (M), Isentropic two phase eos (S2PH), or Generic Test (minimal SPOLY for GENERIC testing) (GT). Enter choice here (dflt = P): SP Enter the Grueisen exponent plus one (gamma), the stiffened gas constant p infinity, the specific heat at constant volume Cv = R/(gamma-1), the energy translation e_infinity, and the thermal energy factor for the gas with index 0: 3.19 3000.5 6.96 4851.6 Enter dynamic shear viscosity (default = 0) of the gas with index 0: 0.00313 Enter bulk viscosity (default = 0) of the gas with index 0: Enter thermal conduction coefficient (default = 0) of the gas with index 0: Use current defaults for artificial viscosity parameters (dflt = y, type p to print defaults): p Artificial Viscosities and Heat Conductions Use nonlinear artificial viscosity = yes Coefficient of nonlinear artificial viscosity = 0.5 Use linear artificial viscosity = yes Coefficient of linear artificial viscosity = 0.08 Use upwind artificial viscosity = yes Coefficient of upwind artificial viscosity = 0.1 Use MUSCL slope flattening = yes Muscl slope flattening parameter eta inverse = 2 Muscl slope flattening minimum shock strength = 0.25 Muscl slope flattening minimum shock specific volume jump = 1e-06 Coefficient of artificial heat conduction = 0.05 Muscl slope flattening charateristic speed cutoff = 0 Coefficient of dynamic surface tension = 0 Artificial viscosity stability coefficient = 1.280776406404415 Use current defaults for artificial viscosity parameters (dflt = y): Use defaults for thermodynamic restrictions (dflt = yes): Enter the equation of state type for the material with index 1. Current choices are Obstacle (behind reflecting wall) (O), Polytropic (gamma law) gas (P), Stiffened polytropic gas (SP), Multiple component polytropic gas (MP), Sesame table lookup (SE), JWL Equation of state (J), Mie Gruneisen (M), Isentropic two phase eos (S2PH), or Generic Test (minimal SPOLY for GENERIC testing) (GT). Enter choice here (dflt = P): SP Enter the Grueisen exponent plus one (gamma), the stiffened gas constant p infinity, the specific heat at constant volume Cv = R/(gamma-1), the energy translation e_infinity, and the thermal energy factor for the gas with index 0: 3.19 3000.5 6.96 4851.6 Enter dynamic shear viscosity (default = 0) of the gas with index 0: 0.00313 Enter bulk viscosity (default = 0) of the gas with index 0: Enter thermal conduction coefficient (default = 0) of the gas with index 0: Use current defaults for artificial viscosity parameters (dflt = y, type p to print defaults): y Use defaults for thermodynamic restrictions (dflt = yes): Input the EOS model (0 <= an integer <= 1, p prints available options) for the fluid below: 0 Input the EOS model (0 <= an integer <= 1, p prints available options) for the fluid above: 1 Enter the ambient pressure: 0 Add velocity shear across interface? (dflt = no): Enter the surface tension for the contact (dflt = 0): There are two ways of implementing Neumann boundary conditions. Half grid offset boundaries (H) or reflecting boundary state (F, default). Enter choice here: F Enter the boundary type -- Unknown, Periodic, Reflecting, Mixed, Neumann, No Slip Neumann, Dirichlet, or Passive -- for the lower boundary in the y direction: Neumann Specify the Dirichlet boundary state time-independent boundary state set by ambient state (A, default), flow-through boundary conditions (FT), flow-through boundary with constant pressure (FP), or flow-through boundary with time dependent pressure (FD), or random velocity inlet (R), preset boundary state (P), or time-independent state specified by the user (U). Enter choice here:FT Enter the boundary type -- Unknown, Periodic, Reflecting, Mixed, eumann, No Slip Neumann, Dirichlet, or Passive -- for the upper boundary in the y direction: Neumann Specify the Dirichlet boundary state time-independent boundary state set by ambient state (A, default), flow-through boundary conditions (FT), flow-through boundary with constant pressure (FP), or flow-through boundary with time dependent pressure (FD), or random velocity inlet (R), preset boundary state (P), or time-independent state specified by the user (U). Enter choice here:FT Insert wall normal at wall contact nodes (dflt = no): Type 'y' to have local mesh refinement: Statistics Control Type 'y' to initiate prompting for statistics/diagnostics: y Type 'y' to request grid statistics for conserved variables: Type 'y' to request a periodic glimpse of the solution via a plot of the component regions: Type 'y' to obtain cross sectional plots: n Type 'y' to request interface extrema data: y Specify the interval type for printing [exact, constant (default), mesh]: constant Enter the time interval and first time for printing (default = 1 0): 0.1 0 Request binary/non-binary output [b,n(dflt)]: n Compute interface extrema for planar ('p', default) or radial geometry ('r'): p Enter a sub-grid refinement factor for the averaging of the ambient state at the interface extrema (default = 2): Enter the EOS indices of the lower and upper materials, respectively: 0 1 Enter a file name for the output for interface minimum (default = stdout): Enter a file name for the output for interface maximum (default = stdout): Enter a file name for the output for interface amplitude (default = stdout): Type 'y' to get data for 1%-99% levels: n Type 'y' to get data for 5%-95% levels: n Type 'y' to request layer statistics: n Type 'y' to request interface statistics: n Type 'y' to request rect state statistics: n Type 'y' if you wish to compute the Lp norm of the difference between the linearized and nonlinear solutions: n Type 'y' to request printing of multi-bubble velocities: n Type 'y' to request printing of front states along the contacts: n Type 'y' to request printing of states for all fronts: n --- End of Input ---