Bsplines.mws, A Maple Worksheet on B-splines.
simpson.mws, A Maple Worksheet on the Composite Simpson's Rule.
gaussInt.mws, A Maple Worksheet on Gaussian Integration.
diffQuotRichardson.mws, A Maple Worksheet on Richardson Extrapolation and the Differential Quotient.
butterfly.mws, A Maple Worksheet on the Lorenz strange attractor--the so called ``butterfly effect.''
multiStep.mws, A Maple Worksheet on the Adams-Bashforth and the Adams-Moulton methods.
JacobiGaussSeidel.mws, A Maple Worksheet on the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods.
odeExample.mws, A Maple Worksheet showing how to call the numeric ode solver.
finiteDif1.mws, A Maple Worksheet on finite differences for a two point boundary value problem.
laplacian.mws, A Maple Worksheet on finite differences for a two point boundary value problem.
Office Hours: Open Door
Exam Schedule
Exam 1: Monday, September 27 (in class).
Exam 2: Wednesday, November 3 (take home).
Final: Wednesday, December 15 (8-10 AM).
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