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Emily Holtz

Tiffany Tsang

Vice President
Ruowei Kevin Fu

Alexander Pacelli


In order to be an ASA (Associate of the Society of Actuaries), there are a series of 5 tests that must be passed. It is strongly recommended to start taking the exams while in college (it would be impossible to find an actuarial job after college without passing any exams). The first two exams can be taken in either order, but it is customary for students to take Exam P first. This exam should be taken after completing MATH 30530 (Probability) as this is an excellent preparation course for the exam. It is also recommended to complement the class with a study guide (see section on Study materials below) so that you pick up the details the SOA wants you to get. MATH 30530 is only offered in the FALL, and the exams are offered multiple times throughout the year as seen on the exam schedule. It is advised to take the test in January after completion of MATH 30530 since the material would be the freshest. The test will not get easier if you put it off another year after taking this class.

The second test is Exam FM although it could be taken first if you choose to do so. It is advised to take Exam FM after taking FIN 30600 (Investment Theory). A recent graduate said that the material covered in this class was roughly 80% of the material covered on the exam. Again, a study guide from the Math Office would be highly recommended to make sure all the material on the exam will be covered.

All current, due-paying members can be reimbursed for test fees (only if you pass) for exams P and FM. In order to be reimbursed, please contact the club treasurer.

Study Materials

There are several sufficient study books available for the tests, but the actuary club recommends using the ACTEX study guides. The guides are available through the Math Office (see Patti Strauch, 255 Hurley). The materials can be used for an unlimited period of time as long as nobody else has a need for the materials. After taking the exam, simply return the guide to the Math Office. There are a limited number of materials available, and if you believe there is an updated version of the ACTEX study material please contact a board member about updating the library's guides.