For Spring, 2025, the Algebraic Geometry/Commutative Algebra Seminar will meet. Day and time to be announced soon. Click on the link for the schedule of talks and abstracts once they are known.
I have written a book, "Introduction to Liaison Theory and Deficiency Modules," published by Birkhäuser in its Progress in Mathematics series in 1998. Here is a description of the book, including the table of contents. The ISBN number for the book is 0-8176-4027-4.
Here are the reviews of the book, from MathSciNet and Zentralblatt.
Here is a link to a wonderful webpage dedicated to Commutative Algebra. It has links to webpages, conferences, photos, etc.
The Mathematics ArXiv is a very important source of papers that are "hot off the presses" and not yet published. It has papers in most fields of mathematics, including Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.
Here's a more recent picture of me, taken about ten years later than the one above (June 23, 1999). And one taken after about 25 years at Notre Dame (March 29, 2014).
Here are some selected pictures from a trip to Napoli and Genova, where I traveled primarily to attend the Workshop on Zero-Dimensional Schemes in Napoli in February, 2000.
From June 7 to June 23, 2000 I was one of the principal instructors of PRAGMATIC 2000, held at the University of Catania, which was a delightful experience in all respects. Here are some selected pictures from the school, focusing on the participants.
Here are some pictures of scenes from Italy taken in Sicily, Sardegna, Pisa and Florence in June and July, 2000.
Here are some pictures from the school "Syzygies, Hilbert functions and generic initial ideals," held in Cortona in July, 2006. It was co-taught by Aldo Conca and myself.
Here are some pictures from the Workshop on Commutative Algebra and its Interactions with Algebraic Geometry, held at the Banff International Research Station from June 10 to June 15, 2007.
Here are some pictures from the Conference on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, in honor of Robin Hartshorne's 70th birthday, which took place April 11-13, 2008.
Here are some pictures from the 2009 Notre Dame commencement, at which President Obama was the invited speaker and received an honorary degree.
Here are two links to pictures from the recent Midwest Algebra, Geometry and their Interactions Conference (MAGIC'10), held at the University of Notre Dame on April 23-25, 2010: My pictures, and Pictures by Adam Coffman.