
academic resume pdf
design resume pdf

John F Sherman
graphic design


My primary research interest is the life and work of Eric Gill. Eric Gill (1882-1940) was a British wood engraver, sculptor, designer, and writer who lived and worked in and near London. He was also known for his writings on social and Catholic issues. An outgrowth of this research is an original font design named Felicitas. Felicitas is inspired by Eric Gill’s design for Perpetua introduced in 1929 by the Monotype Type Foundry. My drawing is more organic than Gill’s and features a number of innovative special characters and ligatures.

A second research interest is creative imagemaking produced by digital techniques. I am especially interested in the role an algorithm or program script can play in the creative process. This creative work is accomplished by ongoing development in original PostScript programming for print work, HTML programming to develop web pages, and the scripting needed for CD-ROM development.

My third area of activity is professional graphic design practice. Projects include a variety of multimedia web page design projects, a long-term relationship with the University of Notre Dame Press designing book covers, and a variety of miscellany graphic design projects.