Author of "A Brief Text-Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy,"
"A Practical Introduction to English Rhetoric," and
"The Art of Oratorical Composition."
"The rule and measure of human acts is reason." -- ST. THOMAS
THIS "Brief Text-Book of Moral Philosophy" is a companion volume to the author's "Brief Text-Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy," lately published and already extensively used in Academies and other educational institutions. The author's aim is to present to students and readers -- to such, especially, as are unfamiliar with the Latin language -- a brief yet clear outline of the system of Ethics taught in Catholic Colleges, Seminaries and Universities. This system is based on the philosophy of Aristotle.
Questions of Ethics, which in former times were left to the close scientific treatment of specialists, are at the present day freely discussed among all classes of society -- in newspapers and popular magazines, in the workshop and in the parlor.
Extravagant notions of individual and social rights are circulated, while the rash speculations of so-called scientists are sapping in many minds the very foundations of morality. Never before has there been a more urgent call on the part of the people for the lucid exposition and the correct application of sound moral principles.
In this sad confusion of thought, no small utility will be found in a clear, simple, systematic explanation of the ethical doctrines taught by the greatest minds of the past ages, and lately most highly recommended by our Supreme Pontiff, the illustrious Leo. XIII. Such an exposition the author has endeavored to present in this little volume.
March 12, 1895.