Alfred J. Freddoso
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
John and Jean Oesterle Professor Emeritus of Thomistic Studies
University of Notre Dame


Course Lecture Notes and Handouts

The Grade - Christmas Seminar

Thomistic Institute - Seminar on Angels in the Summa Theologiae

Deacon Aspirant Introduction to Philosophy

Phil 10101/20101 (formerly Phil 101/201):  Introduction to Philosophy

Phil 180I:  Philosophy University Seminar

Phil 264:  Faith and Reason

Phil 265:  Philosophical Reflections on Christian Belief

Phil 30301(formerly Phil 301): Ancient and Medieval Philosophy:
Lecture Outlines
Course Handouts

Phil 405:  Aquinas on Love and Justice

Phil 43086 (formerly Phil 417):  Aquinas on God

Phil 43140 (formerly Phil 406/572):  The Ethics of Thomas Aquinas

Phil 43144 (formerly Phil 450): Aquinas on Angels

Phil 43148:  Aquinas on Virtue and Law

Phil 43150:  Aquinas on Creation

Phil 43151:  Aquinas on Human Nature

Phil 43165:  Aquinas on Faith, Hope, and Charity

Phil 43801:  Joint Seminar on Joseph Ratzinger

Phil 43801:  Joint Seminar on Augustine

Phil 43811 (formerly Phil 421E): Chesterton

Phil 439:  Faith and Reason

Phil 453: Aquinas on the Cardinal Virtues

Phil 527: Aquinas and Suarez on Creation

Phil 618: Suarez on Individuation and Causality

Phil 655: Causality

Summer 2010 Seminar at University of St. Thomas in Houston