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Notre Dame

Who is this man, and will he still be around at the end of our course



15. Monday, September 25. Marx and Marxism.

Today's Assumption: Marxism represents a different response to the challenges of modernity than liberalism.

The Communist Manifesto, sections, 1, 2, and 4. I want you to be able to dance and sing to this essay. Read it over and over again.

16. Wed., Sept. 27. The Unanticipated Foundations of the Russian Revolution

Today's Assumption: The Revolution had more to do with its Russian setting than with Karl Marx's prophecies.

R. Tucker, “Marxism and Modernization” (Reader, pp. 167-185).

17. Friday, September 29. Discussion Section.

Discussion #6 Why was Karl Marx writing The Communist Manifesto for and about us?

Paragraph Assignment: How can Marx both love and hate the industrial bourgeoisie at the same time?

In this discussion section, we want you to talk directly about what you are reading in the text? If you were an idealistic, well-off university student in 1848, how would you have reacted to Marx and Engels' little pamphlet?

18. Monday, October 2. Marxism and Leninism Converge.

Today's Assumption: Leninism defined Marxism and not vice versa.

Josef Stalin, Foundations of Leninism, selections (Reader, pp. 150-66).

Listen and Sing Along to The Internationale. Choose the appropriate languages. (I'm partial to the German and the second French versions, but that's just my taste.)

19. Wednesday, October 4. Stalinist Terror emerges from Leninist Utopia

Today's Assumption: Stalin's regime of terror was intrinsically, if unintentionally, rooted in the goals and institutions of Marxism-Leninism.

Ginzburg, excerpts from E. Ginzburg, Journey into the Whirlwind (Reader, pp. 189-192) ; and for background on the period, Josef Stalin (Reader, pp. 186-88).

20. Friday, October 6. Discussion Section.

Discussion #7 Is Stalinism the inevitable outgrowth of Marx and Engles' Communist Manifesto? How would Marx make the argument against this proposition?

21. Monday, October 9: In-Class Film.

Film II: “A Journey to Russia”
This in-class film will start promptly at 9:35. Do not be late to class.

22. Wednesday, October 11. The Leninist Challenge to the West.

Today's Assumption: Marxism-Leninism was initially a credible challenge to Liberal democracy

Read Havel , “Power of the Powerless,” sections I-VI (Reader, pp. 193-202); and: Havel's life. The "Power of the Powerless" is challenging. This is one reason why I am assigning it to you.

Here are some of my thoughts about Havel's historical context.

23. Friday, October 13. Discussion Section.

Discussion #8 What does Leninism have to do with “A Journey to Russia”?

MID-TERM BREAK: October 14-22

24. Monday, Oct. 23. Leninism Collapses (Finally and Forever).

Today's Assumption: Despite rumors to the contrary, Marxism-Leninism was not destined to collapse when it did.

Finish Havel, “Power of the Powerless,” (Reader, 203-236); and Black, et al., (Reader, pp. 237-241).

25. Wed, October 25. From Communism to Post-Communism. From Post-Communism to Liberal Democracy?

Today's Assumption: Leninism can be transformed into Liberal democracy, but sometimes like a saddle fits a cow.

Colton and McFaul, "Russian Democracy After Putin," (Reader, pp. 242-252).

Your second essay assignment is right here. You must hand it in to your TA by your section time next Friday, November 3

26. Friday, October 27. Discussion Section.

Discussion #9. What is Havel's argument? How did he anticipate the collapse of Marxism-Leninism?


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